Where is she!!!

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Y/N Pov
I heard a knock at my door so I got up and opened the it. "Ross?" I asked. He smiled then dropped to the floor. "Ross!" I shout kneeling down. I heard a laugh above us. I looked up to see Drake smiling like a devil. "You monster!!" I shouted. I felt something grab me and that's when I screamed.
I woke up on the couch screaming. Sparky looked at me like I just fainted. I toke a deep breath walked to the door and opened it. I smiled to no one there. No Ross, no Drake, no killer. I closed the door and text Jin (Wow he back :D)
(Y: Y/N J: Jin)
Y: Hey?
J: What?
Y: Haven't heard from you sense the incident.
J: Yea so?
Y: You've been gone! We miss you
J: Really?
Y: Yea! Now. What's up?
J: Nothing you?
Y: Well someone's at my door so.... Gtg!
I turned off my phone and walked to the door. I opened it to no one. "Hello?" I asked. I stepped outside to someone putting a blindfold over my mouth and nose. I tried to scream but nothing came out. "Mwahaha! We told you we would get you!" I heard a male yell as I knew Drake had found me. My vision darkened and last thing I saw was Drake grabbing me and taking me away.
Ross's Pov
I got in my car and drove to Y/N house. I got out of my car and walked to a open door. "Huh?" I asked myself. I walked in to a destroyed house. "Hello!" I shouted. I heard whimpering in a room so I opened it. A German shepherd jump out and run around. I'm guessing she was looking for Y/N with me. I run through every room and moved everything looking for her but found NOTHING. "Y/N!" I called out. Sparky gave a little bark. I picked her up and brought her to my car and drove back to the offices think. Was Jin the cause or on who ever side this is?
Adam's Pov
Ross came running in holding a dog that looked like Sparky and rushed into his office. I looked at Barney. "We aren't doing another attack of the shirts or anything right?" I asked. He nodded no. I walked to Ross's office who was looking up stuff about. Wait! MY SISTER! "Ross!" I shout opening the door. The puppy jumped and ran in a coner. "Shh!" He ordered me. I raised an eyebrow but he showed me the dogs collor. "Owner: Y/N Name: Sparky so?" I asked. "She's gone!" He blurted out. Sparky started whimpering. "What?!" I shouted. He should me his phone and told him about the package she showed me earlier. "I'll call the police," I said heading out. "I'll keep searching!" He shouted. I called the 911. "Hello 911 what's your-" "MY SISTERS MISSING!!" I shouted cutting her off. "Ok what's the address?" The girl asked. "Um 9750 Melody lane," I said (I made that up so if  this is your address 0_0 sorry) "Ok we'll be there soon!" She said. "I'm going to    Y/N house," I said. "Why?" Ross asked coming out. "Police are going there," I said. He nodded and I left. I got to the house right before the police got there. I should them around and the package and Ross's text. "Ok we'll search around but you have to stay away," a girl demanded. "Ok," I said.
Y/N Pov (A lot today xD)
I woke up in a dark room. I heard foot steps so I tried to run but I was chained to the wall. "Great!" I whispered. I evil smiling Melissa walked in with a knife. "So who? Ross? Jin? Adam? Barney? Jess? Alesa? MASON?!" She laughed evilly. "Don't hurt them!!! Mason's  just a baby!" I shouted trying to hold back tears. "Fine! Who!" She asked making a killing signal. "Do anything to me! Just
Don't hurt them! Please...." I cried. "Ok!" She laughed as she me on the arm. "I'll be nice today but tomorrow John's coming!" She giggled. "Nooo why? I can't risk my friends and family," I said in tear after she left.

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