Tales all come to a end

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Y/N Pov
I ran through the trees tears dried to my face and my hair and clothes soaked from tears. I ran to the offices to find Shelby and Max ,hugging her, and them both crying. I run to them and hugged them both crying the last tears I had. "Why?! Those jerks will pay!" I yelled in tears. "Who are they?" Max asked pulling away from both me and Shelby and grabbing me. "D-Drake... John.... And Melissa..." I said looking down as tears hit the rug. "Why my cousin!" Screeched Shelby as she curled up into a ball and cried softly. (True fact Shelby is Ross's cousin! Now continue author!) I hugged Shelby. I bursted into tears and let go of Shelby. Max hugged me and I buried my head in his chest hoping that this was all a dream...
Max's Pov
I hugged Y/N and she buried her head into my chest. With one free arm I side hugged Shelby. She put her head on my shoulder and cried softly. Adam bursted through the door with Barney and they started running around excited, worried, and surprised. "What's going on?" Y/N asked looking up at them. "Ross woke up!" They screamed still running around. "What?!" Yelled Shelby getting up. I smiled, got up, and helped Y/N up. I hope he's alright... I need him... Y/N needs him... Fans need him... We need him...
Adam's Pov (before he went to the office)
I sat next to Barney on the couch as Alesa made hot chocolate. Barney held Mason close to him. I sighed and suddenly the phone started to ring. "I'll get it," I said softly. I answered the phone to a girl. "Hello? Is this Adam... Dalhberg?" She asked. "Y-yes?" I asked. "Ahem... Well Ross is awake but not for long.." She said. "What?!" I screamed. "What do you mean not for long!" I snapped. "Hm? OH NOT LIKE THAT!" She screeched. "He needs rest! So to see him you need to come now..." I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry for the scare," she said. "Ok! We'll be there in a few minutes miss....-" "Miss. Lighten, or you can call me Dawn!" She said. "Thank you Miss. Dawn!" I said and hung up. "Barney?" I asked. "Yez?" He asked tilting his head. "We're going to the offices," I said throwing him his coat. "Oh and where's Mason?" I asked. "Alesaz took hims to feedz himz," Barney said. "Ok," I said as we waked out.
Y/N Pov (back at present)
I jumped and ran to my office and grabbed my vlogging camera. I slid on my Ross sweater then ran back to the main room. "Ready let's go!" I screamed pulling on Adam. "Y/N we have to wait for everyone else," He said standing still and waiting for everyone. "Ugh!" I groaned. I grabbed my phone and noticed a text from Jin.
(J: Jin Y: You)
J: Hey sorry. Heard what happened.
Y: How?
J: My new girl friend knows Ross and Adam and Barney and she found out through them.
Y: G-g-girlfriend?!
J: Yea! Her names Twilight!
Y: N-nice... Well bye...
J: Wait! Y/N!
I turned off my phone and curled up and started to tear up. I didn't like Jin as a crush or any of that it's just...  Ross was in a accident and Jin has a girlfriend! I can't deal with it! Adam came in and sat next to me. "You ok?" He asked. "Yea..." I sighed. "It's my fault.. I know what happened and who did it.." I looked at my hands as my hair covered my face. "Tell me everything," Adam said pulling me close. "First the who, Drake, John, and Melissa... Now the how... They some how got control of  Cait who attacked me then they somehow made it so right when Drake was zipping down the road Ross would run out which would make it to late for Ross to do anything about it..." I sighed looking down at my phone. I then got a call. "That's ins-" I cut Adam off by saying, "Someone's calling me, be right back." I walked off into the main room.
(Play the song)
"Hi there," it was a little girls voice. High pitched and sweet. "Um.. Hi who is this." I asked. The girl just randomly called me... Who wouldn't want to know. "Y/N, and my best friends Drake. Noah had hurt me but Drake saved me," The girl sounded sad. "Wait... Y-Y/N?! Drake? Noah?" I asked. "But that's my name my monster ex-boyfriend and best friend!" I said confused. I heard rushing on the phone then I heard her speak again but she sounded..... different. "You will fall for him! Fall for Drake!!!" And then darkness took over.
I opened my eyes to find myself in a black room with well, a lot of other people. Kyle, Cait, Maddalin, Olivia, Noah, Devon, Adam, Max, Ross, Iin, Shelby, Alesa ,holding Mason, Cory, Barney, Jess, and a girl who had brown hair with blue hair covering her left eye. Her either eye was a hazel color. Suddenly a little girl appeared in front of me. Wavy brown hair and E/C eyes. "Y/N?" The girl asked. Tears streamed down her face. "You did this!" She screamed and a bright blinding light appeared. I covered my eyes to make sure I wouldn't blind myself. When the light faded Drake John and Melissa stood there. Melissa laughed as she stabbed Devon. I covered my mouth as John smirked and gave a drink to Jess to where she drank it and fell to the floor from poison. Drake then gave a gun to Jin who shot himself. Then gave a knife to the random girl who stabbed herself. Then Melissa popped a IV which was connected to Maddalin. Then John stabbed Barney. Had Drake shot Alesa as Melissa took Mason and stabbed him. (If the song ends here replay it) John then poked a needle into Shelby which made her stiff then fall backwards to the floor. Melissa handed a gun to Cait who shot herself. Drake quickly gave Kyle a drink and he fell to the floor after drinking it. John then threw a knife stabbing Olivia. Drake then choked Cory and Melissa drowned Max. Last three Ross, Adam, and Noah. Drake kick Noah to the floor and they looked at me. "This is your fault," they all said. And all at once John shot Adam, Melissa stabbed Noah and Drake just left Ross there with a gun then they disappeared leaving it to you Ross and all the dead body's surrounding you. "This is the future Y/N," Ross said. "And it's all because of... YOU!" He screamed and a girl with wavy brown hair E/C eyes and in a Ross sweater, fell to the ground crying as Ross shot himself. "NOO!" I screamed but no one heard me as the cries of the girl were the only thing left to be heard.
My god.. Deep chapter there... But god I had a writers block but hopefully next chapter will be the end of the book and maybe we'll meet this Twilight girl *wink* *wink* So yea deep chapter but let's see so do you guys want a book about Y/N life before all this or the book continuing this story. Tell me in the comments. Don't hate on the deep chapter please! Bye narwhals! Puppy/Sky out!

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