Being Followed

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Larry POV

Hi my name is Larry Nicolas Bourgeois and i go to a private high school. I go to this private high school because my mother don't like public schools. But i don't really mind going to one, because i like to meet new people and not see the same people over and over again. Its kind of annoying and I always feel trapped. But the good thing is that I have the classes that i wanted to be in. The other times i didn't like it. But anyways my interests are like spooky myths or creepypastas. I dont know why i like it, its so interesting to me that ghosts are really real and people actually gets kidnapped and they don't com back. I love those types of creepy stuff. Well anyways im in my french class and its almost time go home and i was just reading my creepy goosebumps book. I have a huge collection of these books. Im obsessed. I heard the bell rang and i saw kids running out the class to go to there lockers and go home. I was getting my stuff ready when i saw my friend Roy come up to me.

Roy: Hey my brother. You ready to go?

Larry: Yea. Im just getting my stuff together.

Roy: Alright. Hey you want to go the mall afterwards with some friends of mine?

Larry: Uh.. No thanks i have homework but thanks for asking.

Roy: Oh ok and no problem.

Roy and Larry left out the class and walked out the building. Roy left with his friends and went to the mall and I walked the rest of the way. While i was walking I felt a presence around me when i was walking. I felt uncomfortable. It felt like i was being followed so i turned around and saw nobody there. I was getting a little scared. I turned back around and bumped into a person on the front and then a soft cloth was on my mouth and nose. I tried to scream but i was slowly drifting of to sleep. I felt him putting me on his shoulder and walking to his car and driving off to probably to his house. Im scared..what is he going to do with me. I hope somebody saw me and save me.

At the house...

Laurent POV
I cant believe i actually kidnapped my long lost little brother. I missed him so much. My mother separated us because she thought i was bad influenced to him. So she kicked me out. So I decided to dance as my career and I have tons of money and I bought a house. And then one day I decided to find my little brother and i want him to come with me. But i have this  type of power that I have. And its whenever when it turns midnight i start to feel sexual active. I don't know why have that power. I don't really consider it a power, its more like a...turn on? I guess. I don't really know for sure. But I guess it seemed like whenever i see him or even think about him i start to have really deep feelings for him, like more than a brother. I really am in love with my brother. Its crazy i know. So now Im driving up to the driveway of mu house and i got out to go the door where Larry is laying in. It seems like he's still asleep. He looks so peaceful and beautiful. I picked him and put him on my shoulder. I went to the door and opened the door and went inside to lay him on the couch.  I just watched him sleep so beautifully. I decided to go upstairs and take shower and I'll see if he'll wake up.

Larry POV
I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a house that wasn't mine. I shot straight up and examined where I was. I was inside of a mansion. I got up and looked around. It was so big and beautiful. And then I was wondering who kidnapped me. I then heard some water running upstairs so I decided to go up there and check who kidnapped me. And once i'll find him Im gonna call the police. Once I went up i saw the hallway and it was really big, like really big. It had pictures on the wall and it looked like me dancing? I was confused because I don't do that deathdrop move. So i was wondering who was that. He looked exactly like me. It was kinda creepy to me. I then heard the water stop and i went to the room and heard music playing. And i likes that type of music that was playing. So i put my hand on the door knob and opened the door. I saw a man that was at my height and he had a boxers on and he was on his phone. I looked up and down at him and he has the same body figure as me but a little more slimmer. I felt weird looking at him. It seemed like he didnt notice me until he turned to look at the doorway.

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