♥22♥ Withering cherry blossom

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"Chinami is resigning?!" Kenya couldn't believe what he was hearing from Coach. "It can't be true! Why?" 

Osamu saw the resignation form on his desk. He was surprised because he didn't expect it at all. When he saw that form, he didn't want to believe it; Chinami loved practicing with them and she looked excited to go to the Regionals and the Nationals so why would she quit now? He didn't want to believe Chinami's resignation so he called the regulars to a meeting in order to get into the bottom of this. And judging from Kenya's reaction, even they were shocked. 

"Who gave her the resignation form?" Osamu asked, his voice was very serious and somewhat intimidating. 

"I did." Shiraishi started to explain what Chinami's Dad said to him. On that day, her Dad showed that he really wanted to redeem himself. When he explained everything, Osamu nodded his head. 

"I can see why you would do so. There are parents who would do what's best for their kids."

"But Coach, everyone needs a bit of freedom!" Yuuji said to him, "I can't believe Apple-chan would resign without telling us..." 

"Or maybe she doesn't want to upset us..." Koharu sadly said. 

" ...and you seriously buy that bullshit?" Zaizen asked Shiraishi, no longer playing on his phone when the subject concerned Chinami. He was still convinced something was wrong with Chinami's Dad. He was still convinced there was something very strange about Chinami's Dad.  

"I don't agree with him either, but I have to respect her Dad's decision to do so." Of course Shiraishi himself also doesn't agree. He didn't tell them but when the last time he saw her, he saw pain in her eyes. Ever since then, the unease in his head didn't leave.

"I am sure we will see her tomorrow. We'll just tell her to come back." Chitose suggested since he can see everyone was worried about Chinami. "Come on, let's not look like that. It's not like she's not going to be here tomorrow..." 

"Yeah! Yeah! We will just recruit Nee-chan again!" Kintarou was able to clear the bad air with his optimistic speech. "Once Nee-chan can see how much we care about her, she will be so happy!" 

"Shiraishi, we're going to make her join us again. Are you going to help out?" Kenya asked him, "I know you wouldn't agree with her leaving the club just like this." 

"Can we really convince her Dad to change his decision?" 

Shiraishi wondered if he had made the wrong decisions after all. Ever since the day he gave her the resignation form, he hasn't seen her in school for a total of 10 days. It was the 11th day and he was very worried about her. He would walk past her classroom during class time to see she wasn't in there when she was supposed to. What happened to her since that day? 

If Shiraishi looked out of the window, he would be able to see Chinami walking through the entrance of Shitenhouji. She was very late but she didn't care at all. 

'I can't believe he locked me in my own home...' Chinami couldn't get out of her own house because her Dad hid the keys. Not only that, he spent the last 10 days beating her and making her as miserable as he could whenever he finished working. 'It hurts so much...' There was a voice in the back of her mind telling her that she had enough and wanted everything to come to an end but there was a part of her too frightened to truly end it. She wanted to believe her Dad still loved her and he will be fine once he accepted everything.

"Chinami!" Chitose too was very late and he ran up to catch up to her. "Chinami, thank goodness! You're finally in!" Chitose touched her on the shoulder, very worried about her. However, the single touch on her shoulder made her slap his hand away and her eyes looked at him with fear. 

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