the dreamy one

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Hey guys. Okay So this is going to be awful. Its going to be my first time writing so tell me what you all think.

Thanks for reading. I kinda wouldn't know what to write if it wasn't for my friend Gwen.  Also PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID TO LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND VOTE!!!

<Nicole's POV>
Okay. Get yourself together Nicole. Its just one damn year of high school and then you graduate. Its not like
Something bad is going to happen. So common...

I grab my things and head out the door, before mom yells at me for not eating breakfast again this morning. Its not my fault that all we have to eat are pop tarts. In all honesty pop tarts are good, but when that's all you eat every damn morning. You kinda get tired of it.

I walk down the road to hear a familiar voice say goodbye. I look to my right to see a large two story brick house with a big gate around it. At the front door I see Frank Iero hugging a tall woman. A car parked In front honks and i look in to see the rest of them.

The most intoxicating group of chemical boys. Gerard Way, a boy with black hair and wears a pair of sunglasses everyday. Bob Bryar, the blonde and known for being a fuck boy. Although everyone says Gerard and Frank were the worst, Bob is #1. Ray Ortiz, known as the Curly Princess for the curliest hair and the strongest of the wrestling team. And Mikey Way, Gerard's brother. He's also friends with Pete Wentz. fucking Pete Went, the Captain of the damn football team. Then there's Frank Iero getting in the car. He's the shortest, people use to make fun of him for his shortness until he got in the club with the rest of them. Now, he's the second baddest one.

I keep walking toward the school until I hear a honk behind me. I'm a little to scared to see who it is, But I turn back anyways.

"GET IN," my best and only friend Gwen yells at me. And I do so quickly.

"Hey, how was your summer," I ask tying my school shoes. We have to wear a school uniform of course. Christian schools, best story of my life!

"Great. Only because I didn't have to wear these damn uniforms. I had to pay for it geting ruined last year. My damn mom was So pissed off she made me get a job just to pay for it."

"How the hell? How was it great?"

"I told her the only exception was to work at Hottopic. That or I can tell dad and dad would straighten her out."

"So, did you get the money then?" I ask as soon as we pull in the school.

She park's her car and we step out walking through the front doors to get to her locker. "Not exactly." She puts in her code and the locker opens to show her school books. "I have about thirty more to go. The fucking things cost about fifty dollars."

A teacher gives her a glare but we notice she's glaring at a couple making out next to us. Were so damn invisible even the teachers don't notice that we exist.

We walk to my first block class and I hug her tightly.  "Hope your class will be great," I say. She smiles and nods and slips to her first block. I step in and look around. Theres three rows of desks horizontal and four vertical with three seats per table. Well, I suppose we'll be getting in groups. For the love of Satan. I have a class with them. The boys, all five, sit at one table together laughing at the nerd kids and winks at the girls to get them to like them. I quickly try to make my way to the back to my seat until I hear one of them whistle. I look back and they look at me And fake throw up. Fucking asshole jocks.

I sit in the back. Alone. As usual. A small lady walks in. Shorter than Frank, grey hair and a pair of green glasses. She look pretty old and she sits on her desk, crossing her legs. "Alright children. As y'all don't know. I'm Mrs. Bannister, and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. So get use to it." Everyone laughs as she makes a weird face. "Alright. I know yall won't like this. But you all have assigned seats." As soon as she says it,  everyone groans including me. I don't wanna sit with any of these people. I knee it, but still...

"Mrs teacher lady," says a girl sitting behind the boys. "Could you pair me up with one of these boys. It would be amazing." The teacher just raises an eyebrow.

"Ashley Costello?" A girl with half hair red and the other black raises her hand. "Okay, Taylor Momsen?" And a pretty blonde puts a peace sign in the air. "And Alex Gaskrath." A boy that sits with a bunch of girls stand up. "Present," he says. And the girls start gawking at him.

"You three get to sit at table one," she says pointing at the first table. "Okay now. Frank Iero, Nicole Hall, and Ray Ortiz. You get the second desk." Oh god. OF FUCKING COURSE!!! I stand and slowly walk to the table. Everyone stares except for the teacher, who is still saying who sits where.

I sit in the middle where they leave me a seat. Frank looks at me but Ray is still talking to Mikey who gets to sit at the third table with Gerard in the middle and Bob on the other side. I look over to Gerard looking dead at me. What the hell? Oh, maybe Gerard and Frank are looking at each other. Maybe.

I look at Frank and he listens to the teacher. I look back at Gerard who starts to smirk. What in the living hell. I could have sworn I saw his eyes change colour as well...

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