Frank's P.O.V (point of view)
.... Continued
Waking up next to Nicole was the best thing that ever happened to me. No interruptions, no screaming people. Just, a beautiful face laying in Front of me. I picked up my hand and brushed a bit of Nicole's hair back behind her ear and kissed her forehead with a smile. "Good morning."
After, I got up and tucked her back in, letting her sleep. Walking to the old torn bed, I opened one of my bags and pulled out some clothes. I pulled off my old clothes and put new ones on me and walked out of the room and downstairs to the old kitchen. The sun is seriously blinding, why can't you be lighter you stupid ass sun. I moved some boards around, putting them all in one pile and wiped the stove clean. I opened the door slowly, hearing a creaking noise and a wild animal pops out, running out of the house and I chuckle a bit.
"Stupid animals," I chuckled then looked at the ceiling. "That probably woke her up, maybe not?" I walked outside then backed up a bit, looking up at the house with a smile and sighed. "I'll be back baby." I say, even though she's still probably passed out in the room.
I start to head down the trail, over the fence and down the trail some more until I make it to my bike. I walk the bike out and onto the road, riding down towards Gerard's house. I put my iPod on and started to listen to some Black Flag while I rode there. Singing along with it loudly and looking around at the cars driving past me.
I made it to Gerard's house and got off the bike. Putting up the kickstand, I hear a faint "Frankie!" Come from behind the house. I look up to see Mikey running up towards me from behind the house with some clothes.
"Hey Mikes. Where's Gee at? I wanted to show him something." Mikey hugged me a bit and pointed to the house.
"He's helping mom. Today's spring cleaning day so." He said, pulling me towards the house. We walked in and I looked to my left in the kitchen, seeing Gerard washing the dishes.
"Frank! Hey! Help me!" Gerard said, putting the rag in the sink and wiping his wet hands on his pants.
"I would but I have some important matters to attend to." I said, looking back to see Donna walking in.
"Frank," she said, walking towards Gerard with a can of bug spray. "What brings you here today? Although, I shouldn't ask. You're welcome here anyways."
I smiled and put a hand on Gerard's shoulder. "I'm here to kidnap this guy. It's just for the day."
Donna made a thinking poker face, looking between the both of us. "Alright, well you need to get back quick. We all have to go back searching for Mary's missing girl. Poor lady is worried sick."
I shrugged and pulled him towards the door. "Will do Mrs. Way."
She laughed and smiled. "Remeber, it's just Donna. You boys be safe. You hear me?"
Gerard and I nodded. "I'll be back mom, I promise."
Mikey went to come with us but Gerard shook his head. "You gotta stay here and help mom clean up."
Mikey growled as we walked out of the house and towards my bike.
"So. How is she?" Gerard whispered.
"She's good. She's asleep at the house right now, actually, she might be awake by now. It's like, one in the afternoon." I got on my bike and watched as Gerard got on his. "She's probably freaking out right now."
Gerard nodded and kicked his stand up, and I did the same. We started to ride down the street as quick as we could and into the woods. We got off of the bikes and started walking down the trail. "Do you ever think, me you Nicole and Gwen could be roommates?"
Gerard shrugged "depends on if Gwen and Nicole are okay with it, and whenever Nicole's allowed to know about this whole, Witch and so secret stuff. But hey, the more people, the easier we can build up and pay for the house. Dose your mom know you're still here?"
I nodded and walked up to the gate, climbing over it. "Yea, but she doesn't know about Nicole so we're going to keep it that way. Also, if Nicole knew about the whole, Mystical witch situation. Fixing up the house would be easier, right?"
Gerard hopped over and we started to walk towards the house and we stopped, looking at it. "It seems way to quiet. Where's the freaking out?"
I shrugged and started to walk towards the house and got on the porch. "Nicole? You awake?"
There was no answer and I walked in the house, walking upstairs and Gerard following me. "Nicole?" Gerard said.
I walked to the room and slowly opened the door, noticing Nicole didn't move from that spot. I walked towards her and Gerard leaned on the door frame. "Exhausted? Or heavy sleeper?"
I shook my head and placed my hand on her forehead, feeling her head. It was body temperature, but she still was sleeping. I saw her chest rise and fall. So she was still alive. I lifted her head and pulled her in my arms. "Nicole? Sweetheart! Wake up!"
She wouldn't wake up and I panicked, crying and hyperventilating a bit, looking back at Gerard who had a worried look on his face as he walked over to me.
"What do I do?!? She won't wake up! Help, call 911!" I said, looking at her and trying to wake her up. But she was a lifeless looking rag doll in my arms.
"You sure? Her mom's going to take her away." Gerard said pulling out his phone.
I nodded and looked at him "Do it. It's better than her probably dying here."
Gerard dialed a number and stepped out of the room. I laid there, holding her and crying against her for a whole hour and a half until the ambulance arrived. I sat there, thinking and then followed them into the ambulance car, riding with them. Me and Gerard both. Me looking at her, holding her hand and thinking of what could have caused it, and Gerard just looking back and forth at us. Worriedly.
"When we made it to the hospital, they quickly got you a room. I had to stay in the hallways while they did lots tests on you and everything. My mind going blank. All i remeber is your mom being mad but sad at the same time, and My mom grounding me for keeping you hostage.....
....."Everyone took turns watching over the both of us, but I never left your side." I spoke softly to her, still holding her. "I never left, and I felt like it was my fault some how." I sighed and lifted a hand to her hair, brushing it lightly.
"Baby, it wasn't your fault. There was, no way you could have known about the salt being there." She said, her voice so soft and smooth as she spoke. "The thing is. I'm better now."
I shrugged and looked down, holding her hands. "And you're going to be moving now. Off to New York you go. Oh, also, your dad is here..."
Her face became shocked yet angry. "What?!?" She squealed in a high pitch scream.
I shrugged and smiled awkwardly. "Suprise? Heh?"
Heart it, comment your opinion on the story and give advice for some more drama or so to add

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
FanfictionNicole was the loner of school. Until she found herself dumbfounded by the schools most popular group of boys. With Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro-Ortiz, and Mikey Way, the most popular boys in school. She was madly intranced with Gerard, but til...