Nicole's P.O.V (Point Of View)
After the explanation, I sat in bed, watching Frank sleep. He stayed awake the whole time I was up here. He got forced to sleep most of the times, only when Gerard stayed up here with him. Gerard promised to wake him when i would wake up.
One Month, Two Weeks, Three Days, Four Hours, Six Minutes, Twenty Three Seconds. That's how long I had been asleep. Frank kept track because he had nothing else to worry about but how long I would stay this way. He was more worried about me living, and My health, than me moving and leaving him forever, well, not really forever. Well, one things for sure. Now my mom really is going to force me to move. And my dad, I mean, John, he's here too.. Well where are they at? They're my parents, so they here with me and not Frank. It sounds bad when i say i don't want Frank here. And you can trust me when I say, I'm glad he's here and not everyone else. But, my own parent's?
Ray woke up a bit ago, and told me my mom and dad were back at Linda's because someone had already bought our house. He said he would go and get them, but I told him to not to get them. Then again, I feel like he didn't listen because he left anyways, and took Mikey with him. One of the nurses had came in and asked where Ray had gone to. I believe she said "Hey, um. Where is that tall guy. The one with the curly hair. Like, really curly." I told her he had left and she handed me a napkin saying she was getting off in a half hour and didn't know if he would be back in time.
Uh oh. Mmmm Ray picking up the ladies. I opened the napkin to see her number, and a little heart beside it with the name Christa written in a cute pink pen. As she left I smiled and called her back, giving her his number so when he texted, she would know it's him.
She smiled and left, and I sat there again. Watching Frank sleep was actually kind of soothing. But I didn't want to sleep because I've been sleeping for a month. And I don't think i could take anymore sleep.
The doctor came in a few seconds later, and smiled at me, sitting at the foot of my bed. "Hi, Glad to see you're awake. I'm Doctor Stevens. How do you feel?" He spoke softly and smoothly. He seriously looked like some sort of model, his face structure was just, perfect.
I smiled at him and shuddered a bit. "Good I'm, I'm, not, not, bad? Bad, good? I'm..." I sighed and looked down.
He chucked "Can't speak? Don't worry, some people get that way after being in a coma. Tell me, do you have any headaches, nausea or any urge to throw up? No chest pains of any sort?"
I shook my head and sat up, clearinv my throat. "All goodie yes yes." I stoped speaking and looked at the doctor weird. "Talk? What um. Sorry. Yea I'm good."
He chucked and nodded, putting a flashlight in Front of my eye and pointing his finger up. "So no headaches when i do this?"
I blushed, just a bit and cleared my throat. "Its, Okie. Okay. Yea."
He chuckled again and brought his hands to mine. "We'll get this blood transmitter out of you, and when your parents get here, you can leave whenever they sign the papers. Sound good?"
I nodded and watched a smile form on his face. He got up, and walked out, a small nurse walking in. "Hello, my name is Taylor, and I'll be your nurse until you leave."
I nodded again, trying not to sound like an idiot in Front of a popular looking girl. But, I noticed. She looked familiar. "Do, I know you from anywhere?" I asked.
She sat at the side of my bed, taking the blood thingy off of me slowly. "Yea, I'm friends with Jamia and Lyn Z. Well, I use to be. They kind of, turned into life ruining hoes and I can't stand them anymore. That and my dad found out the people I was hanging with, and he kinda dragged me here and made me work with my brother." She rolled her eyes and huffed. "His last names Winchester, not Stevens. He lies a lot, he's used to having fake names so."
She shrugged and sighed, putting a bandaid on the place where my blood thingy was at. "We'll, I'm sorry..."
She shrugged again and looked at Frank. "He hasn't eaten in awhile. Want me to bring him something up too?"
I looked at him as well and smiled. "Yea, that would be great. Thanks."
She nodded a smile and stepped out. I sat back at watched the tv for a bit. The voice, how inspiring. "Just what I need, some singing competitions." I talked quietly to myself. "Oh look, is that girl that has two colored hair? Ah, Toxic, a classic song..." I sighed and leaned back on the pillows, then I see a man walk in with a beard, my mom walking behind and Ray, Mikey, Gerard, Gwen, Linda. They all came. "Hey guys," I sat up, turning off the tv.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" My mom said, walking over.
I shrugged and looked at Frank. "Why do you care?"
Gerard and Gwen walked closer, Gwen sitting on my left side, with Gerard sitting beside her. "Nicole, why would you run off?"
I shrugged and looked at Gwen."I don't want to leave Frank behind." I said, looking back at Frank, and he is still sleeping.
The man spoke up "Doesn't mean you can just run off like that."
I looked over at him and glared at him, he looked like he would kill me. Maybe, I think. "Did I talk to You? Who are you anyways. I didn't say you could come in here an-"
My mom stopped me and cut me off. "Honey, this is your father..."
I stopped and sighed, rolling my eyes. "He didn't raise me. He's not my father."
"No, she's right Mary." My dad spoke after my mom. "I was never there. Just call me John."
I looked at Gwen and sighed. "When am i getting out of here. Please say it's soon so I can go back to running away."
"I just signed the papers so you should be out of here in the next thirty minutes. We just, wanted to make sure you're okay." My mom spoke, walking to the bed and sitting next to me. "As soon as you get out, we're getting on that bus. We have everything packed and ready to go. We were late last time because of you. I'm not going to be late again."
I looked at her and growled, "What is it with You? Wanting me to leave so soon. Wanting me to not even stay here. Wanting to go to that asshole that left you when you were pregnant with me. And I'm not even sorry to say this, but that asshole can go die in hell..."
My mom glared at me. "Nicole Elizabeth Hall. You are coming with us, and that's final. Get dressed, and get your shit together. We're leaving."
To be continued...

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
FanficNicole was the loner of school. Until she found herself dumbfounded by the schools most popular group of boys. With Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro-Ortiz, and Mikey Way, the most popular boys in school. She was madly intranced with Gerard, but til...