After being scolded by Gerard, and being told we ruined Mikey's childhood, we all finallu settled down as we brought in the groceries. It was quiet for awhile. Mikey changed the TV and put on some weird Golden Girls show. There wasn't anything better on, plus, I actually got into it. Dorothy has to be my favorite from the rest.
Gerard was in the dining room drawing some pictures. Some comic he said he's wanting to sell in the future, Um, I think it was called kill joys. He already did one of them a cover. Its like some umbrella school in France. I don't know, I don't read it. Frank read it, he said it was pretty good. He keeps telling me the name, him and Gerard both. I just, don't really care much for certain comics. Never really gotten into his.
Ray was in his room, talking to his girlfriend and we could hear him doing baby talk to her. Then there was Frank, passed out on my lap while I lay with him, trying to fall asleep.
I couldn't sleep with Mikey screaming at the old woman on the TV to "NO SHE DOESN'T NEED TO DIE" or "DOROTHY YOUR MOTHER IS GOING TO BE OKAY DON'T CRY!" Its weird though. I've been hanging with these boys for awhile and my mom hasn't even asked if I had gotten kidnapped yet. She hasn't called or texted to see if I was okay. Shows how much she cares, or, she actually trusts me...
I slowly scooted out from underneath Frank, setting him up to be comfy and replacing a pillow underneath him where I used to be. I walked upstairs to Franks room, opening the Sky Blue door that has a jack skillington skull and the words "Frnks room. Keep Out Or Get Thrown Out" written in sloppy black paint.
The room was barley brightened, the teal window curtains hiding the sun. I looked around a bit, walking to his dresser and being the curious person I was. There were some family pictures. One of a little boy with a kind of bowl shaped haircut and small smile looking at the camera. He had his head propped on his hand and his arm being held up by his elbow on a table. Adorable kiddo. Then, there he was. A little bit younger Frank, with a girl a bit older but almost the same looks beside him and they made funny faces. Some of him in middle school. Another with a baby and the same father on the right, the same mother on the left.
Then, there were pictures of him with normal kid photos.. There was a picture that caught my attention. It was in front of all the others, a bit smaller but older. A man on the drums with a smile. I picked it up and looked at him, looking at it and wondering things. Who was it, when was it taken. Why it was there. I looked back at the family portrait and saw that the father kind of looked like the man.
"That was my grandfather."
I looked back and looked at frank. "W-Why is he in all of the family portraits. Where's your dad?"
He shook his head and walked over to me with a small smile. "My father, left when I was five." he said taking the picture from my hand in a slow way. He placed it back and sighed, turning to face me again. "He. He died the day before my birthday, so. My grandfather filled in. It wasn't the same, because, my grandfather and my mother weren't together. But, my grandfather was my dad. He..." Frank paused and looked over at the picture again. "he treated me like he was my father. And, I couldn't repay him in time.
I grabbed him by his arm and we walked over to his bed, laying down and I held him close. "Why did you not repay him? What happened. If you don't want to, we can always think of something funny. Like spitting cheese balls in the next door neighbors yard."
He maneuvered his arms around me And kissed the top of my head, smiling at what I said. "well, it was two days before my sixteenth birthday. I had everything planned to go well. I had saved up my money and I was going to get him a new drum set. He loved to drum, he wanted me to become one too. Anyways... Um, me and him, we went to the park, and fed the ducks like we did every day. We walked to the Italian shaved ice shop afterwords. He got grape tracks and I got Tigers blood as always. We walked to the instrument store and I looked around. I saw the set I wanted to get for him but it costed more than how much I thought it would be. I was twenty dollars short of the original price. So, when we got home, I asked mom for twenty bucks. I told her what I wanted them for and, ghe gave it to me. I told my grandfather that we should go back to the store, but he said "you'll have to wait until tomorrow kiddo. We already went and the store must be closed by now." So, I waited. The next day, I got up and ran to his room to see him. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I opened the door and, he wasn't in there. I thought, maybe he was in the living room watching his shows. I ran downstairs and heard the TV on, hoping it was him. But, when I got there, he wasn't there. I heard my mom at the door and I ran to see what it was. What was going on. My mom stopped me as I saw an ambulance in our driveway. Mom told me to go back inside, but, I didn't listen. She stopped me and she was crying her eyes out. She got down, and hugged me tightly. She said to me. "He's dead Frank. Your grandpa. His gone. He's in a better place now." At that, I don't know what got over me... But, all I known is, she told me he passed away from a heart attack this morning. He got up and watched TV, and next thing you know. He was gone..." he stopped, and looked down at me. I looked up, tears in my eyes.
"I can't believe that had happened, it sounds really sad. Frank... I-I'm so sorry..." he shook his head with a smile and hugged me, kissing my forehead and snuggling to me. "So, the man in the pictures is your grandfather."
He nodded in agreement. "My father..."
"Your grandfather is your true father then. So, you never really had a father so you counted your grandfather as yours so you could tell people you had one. And that's him..."
He nodded again, slowly falling asleep again. I was close to sleep as well. He cleared his throat and spoke softly before I fell asleep. "That was him..."

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Fiksi PenggemarNicole was the loner of school. Until she found herself dumbfounded by the schools most popular group of boys. With Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro-Ortiz, and Mikey Way, the most popular boys in school. She was madly intranced with Gerard, but til...