the kill joy club

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He's staring at me, and only me, and I had no idea why, and honesty I really wanted to figure out why he was staring at me, and only me. My eyes then looked back to Frank to see if he was looking at Gerard, but he just sat there staring at the front. I turn and look Back at Gerard, and he winks at me with a small smirk. I blush and look away towards the front.

*time skip to Nicole at home lol I couldn't think of anything better*

I sat at my window,  looking outside just to see if Frank ever will come back home. I promise I'm not a stalker,  but,  in all honesty,  I wanted to go over to his house to talk to him and see why Gerard was staring at me, and why after years of totally ignoring me did he stare now?

As soon as I see Gerard's car pull up, I put on a sweater and run downstairs my mom stopped me in my tracks, sitting on the couch.

"where are you going" she asked me.

"To a friends. Why?"

"no reason. Be safe okay? And don't forget I'm taking you to get your hair dyed."

"Yea okay," I said quickly,  then rushed out the door into the street. I walked next door to Frank's house and my heart already raced. I'm haven't even knocked yet and I already start to hear a bunch of dogs barking. Not just three to five dogs, more like probably 12 to 17. I hear a yell from in the house, sounding like Frank yelling "I'll get it". He opens the door, and is surprised to see me. He had two chihuahuas and holds A Pug back with his foot. He just nods for me to come inside and I do only to see Ray, Gerard and Mikey hanging in the living room. "What's up hun?" I hear Frank say behind me. I smile lightly.

"Pretty good. Um, what are yall doing?" Although I didn't have to ask. It was completely clear that they were watching my favorite movie of all time. Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Gerard stands up and greets me with a hug. " Would you like to join our group? Well,  it's not really a group but it'll do I guess." I raise an eyebrow. " I'm a little bit confused. What do you mean.?"

"Do you want to is the question. So do you?"

"Sure I guess?" And before I knew it I was already blindsided.

I felt somebody carrying me over their shoulder, and I had no idea where I was. So all I did was just ask a bunch of random questions,  like,  where are we going. Where you taking me.  Blah blah this,  blah blah that. And all I got was the "don't worry about it" response. So I just went ahead and went along with it.

I feel myself get tied down to a chair and the blindfold slides but it's completely dark in the room except for a bunch of candles lit up. My hands are tied behind the chair and I couldn't move. "Guys? What's going on?" Frank walks up to me and looks at me seriously.

"Do you,  Nicole Hall,  take this opportunity,  to become one of the most fabulous killjoys that has ever lived on this planet. And if you don't agree, well, then we'll most likely have to kill you."

"WHAT!?!" I yell out and struggle.

"Don't worry" Mikey whispers reassuring me "It's just a little bit of a funny prank we like to pull on people that don't think that they can handle this."

I smile and nod my head. "Oh, well then, yes?" Ray pulls out a necklace,  and on it is a spider. The front arms is in a shape of a lightning bolts, and a lightning bolt on the end of it on the butt.

"You must have a code name to enter. If you say your nickname, you are welcome to enter. Of you Don't. You must leave and never return."

"Wait? Is it just us 6?"

Ray nods and smiles. They all pull out their necklaces, which look the same as the one Ray holds in front of me.

"Ummm Chemical Riot?"

The guys clap as Frank takes the necklace from Ray and wraps it around my neck. While the boys start to yell "way to go, lets go, chemical riot is now part of the club!"

Soon I figure out all of their code names.  Gerard,  party poison. Ray,  Jetstar. Mikey,  Kobra kid. Frank,  fun ghoul. Bob, Desert Song. And for me, the newcomer, and hopefully the last one to ever join. Nicole Chemical riot!

Later I ask my mom if I can stay the night over at the boys house. And surprisingly she said yes it's "OK as long as there's adult supervision." I don't know why we would need adult supervision because it's a little bit stupid and I'm no longer in elementary school. Later I find myself in a room. Just Frank and I, sitting in his room, all alone which is surprisingly an amazing room.

When you look in his room iy looks like my kinda heaven. On his bed is a Jack Skellington bed set,  with Batman pillows on as well as a bunch of band posters. Nirvana,  Black Flag,  Misfits,  David Bowie, Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, and a bunch of other great bands. In his closet it's mostly filled with a lot of his favorite movies shirts and also a lot of band merchandise. A lot of bracelet band merchandise on his dresser.

On his TV, he has a bunch of great movies laying out. Things like Dracula,  Werewolves movies,  Frankenstein,  and a bunch of other fantasy movies. He had mostly zombie ones, such terrified yet intrigued about what he is about to show me. But he doesn't say anything. He pulls back his hair to show a scorpion tattoo on his neck and smiles. I grabbed his neck and started to rub on it to see if it was fake or not. Which,  it doesn't come off.

"Dude how are you able to go to school, when you're not even allowed to have tattoos. If they found out you had tattoos they would most likely kick you out. I mean,  I think it's kind of hot. You're in a Christian school, and you're not even allowed to have tattoos in that kind of school." Eait. I called it hot. "Fuck......"

He laughs lightly and turns to me pulling his lip to show a piercing in it. He stands and walks from the bed, walking over to his counter, and grabs a ring looking thing. He places it into his lip and I'm a little bit shocked. He comes back over and covers his mouth, sitting back down and as soon as he lets go I notice that he has his lip pierced. Then as soon as he starts doing the same with his nose, I got kind of curious. He lets go and I noticed that he also to has his nose pierced.

" holy shit, I can't believe you have your nose pierced, your lip pierced, a frickn tattoo and you're still able to go to freaking school! What next, are you going to get your hair skunk died or something?"

He laughs. "I was actually thinking of that. How did you know?"

I widen my eyes. "I have no idea." I bite my lip. I noticed he looked straight down at my bit lip, and as soon as he does, he takes his thumb and presses it against my bottom lip,  and pulls my bottom lip away from between my teeth. My eyes close at the feeling, and I can feel Franks soft,  hot lips against mine. Am I kissing Frank Iero? In all honesty,  I never knew that'd probably be kissing Frank Iero. Because in all honesty,  I actually thought that I would be kissing Gerard Way, because of the way he kept looking at me. But I guess something took a really big wrong turn, and then I figured out that actually me and Frank Iero have more in common than most likely me and Gerard Way ever probably will have.

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