Nicole Hall POV
Last week, I was a wreck... I couldn't stand the thought of what had happened. He cheated on me, he literally about slept with Ashley. My biggest enemy. How could he. How stupid of me... I was so thrilled to be back in my hometown. I wanted to graduate at my school. The School I've been going to for the past few years. My home. Linda had asked me if I wanted to stay with her until I graduated. And I accepted, thinking I was going to be with Frank and be back home happily. Well, things turned and, you know the story...
Flashback to the scene
My arms were wrapped around Gwens neck. My eyes drowning in tears as I saw the face of my boyfriend while Ashley had him in her grip. I couldn't take the site. My legs were wobbling and the only thing keeping me up was Mikey, Ray and Gwen. They held me, trying to talk to me but my ears were ringing. I couldn't remember a thing. All I felt was a hand on my wrist, and I looked up to see a blurry vision of Red hair. Gerard...
Soon, the hair turned and I looked the same direction, seeing a short figure walking up. Frank...
The Red hair quickly walked off, pushing him away, and as I blinked, I saw his eyes look into mine with sadness. My heart skipped a beat and I returned my face into Gwen's shoulder.
A few hours had passed and I was in Gerard's house, sitting in the living room with Gee and Gwen. Gwen sat next to Gerard and she smiled, looking down at me. My head laid on Gerard's lap as all I could think of was I was closer to him. He was like my brother, the only one I could talk to. Other than Frank, that cheater. I felt Gerard's hands rubbing on my arm, and Gwen's hands scratching at my head. I cried, so much today that my eyes were big and red. Suddenly, the noise of Mikey and Ray startled me, making me jump a bit and look up at them. They had a few grocery bags in their hands and they sat in front of me with a smile.
"Hey buttercup," Ray spoke softly, pulling out a small tub of Snickers ice cream. "I got you something to cheer you up. I knew you liked this..."
"Yea... Sure you did..." Gwen smirked and rolled her eyes with a scoff.
"What, I did? Well, with a bit of help from Gwen. She just gave me the money..." Ray chuckled. Gwen slapped Ray on the arm, making Ray jump a bit and glare at Gwen. "Ow? That kinda hurt you little bitch..."
Gwen widened her eyes and gasped at him. "You asshole!"
Mikey grabbed the tub of ice cream and pushed Ray out of the way, sitting in front of me. "You girls go fight somewhere else. This girl needs some attention..."
Ray gasped at Mikey and then glared at Gwen. Mikey slowly sat me up and smiled. "Come on, I can take you to my room. You can sleep there if you would like..."
"Mikey, it's our room, not just yours..." Gerard said, pulling Gwen into his lap and kissing her neck.
I started to tear up again and I looked down at the floor and away from them. Gwen cleared her throat and stood up, lifting me off the floor with a small smile. "Come on, I'll take you to the room and we can binge watch some Malcolm in the Middle..." She smiled and I just shook my head looking down as we walked to their room. The boys fussing and yelling. "Alright. Maybe Gilmore girls... Will seeing Dean Forester make you happy?"
I smiled up at her as she sat me down on Mikey's bed and nodded quickly. She giggled and laid me down, tucking me in like she was my mother. "Thank you, for being there for me..."
Gwen smiled brightly, grabbing the remote and playing Gilmore Girls. A few hours later, I passed out. And that's all I remember...
Forward to a week later
It's a week later and graduation is today... I haven't heard or seen Frank in school at all... Ms. Bannister's class isn't the same anymore without him. Me and Ray just shared a table. It was great, but it wasn't the same. Gerard said he's heard from Frank, him and the boys went and checked on him yesterday. He's been getting homeschooled from his mother until graduation. Which, today's it...
Mrs Bannister smiled at us and clapped her hands together. "Today is the day I get rid of you baboons..." The whole class chuckled and the pointed to me. "And we have the honor of having this intelligent young lady back with us..." she passed and smiled, her lips trembling and small tears forming in her eyes. "And I am going to miss you all!" The class Awes as she wiped her eyes and she shook her head, pointing at Gerard with a smile. "Except you mister. I mostly won't miss you!"
"Awe, you touched my heart Mrs. Bannister!" He said with a frown and held his hand over his heart, chuckling shortly after... A small ring came over the intercom and the class went silent.
"all graduates are to report to the gym at this time. Congrats to you all and have a blessed rest of your lives!"
Before we all got up, Frank walked in with a small smile, looking at the teacher. "Hey am I late?"
She shook her head and we all slowly stepped out of the room, except for me, and Frank, and Mrs Bannister. She smiled at him and hugged him lightly. "Glad to have you here to graduate..." she backed up then slowly stepped out.
Frank watched her leave then slowly looked back at me. His eyes were a bit puffy. He had a new Tattoo on the other side of his neck, and his hair was messed up. His suit was a mess. Just a dress shirt and a loose tie with some black dress pants that weren't ironed and a pair of black converses. He sighed and stepped closer to me and I backed up a bit.
"What do you want, Frank? I don't want to speak to you... At all... You hurt me.." He stopped, five feet away from me and looked down, combing his fingers through his hair. I could smell the scent of Pot and Liquor on him from my distance away. "You can't just, do that and expect everything to be okay... P-plus, I've been seeing someone else..." I lied...
He looked up quickly and then nodded. "Me too..." He swallowed a bit and he held out a small box. "I just wanted to give you a graduation present..." After a few minutes of me standing still, he placed it on the table and turned off then walked out.
My heart raced and I looked at the Box, picking it up and then walking out...
After the graduation ceremony, we all stood outside. Me and the three boys and Gwen stood in a line. Mrs Donna, Mrs Linda, and my mother smiling as they were taking pictures. After, we all hugged and started talking, my eyes watering as I felt the gift he gave me in my dress pocket. A bit after, I look over to see Frank and Jamia hugging, her smile brighter than ever and I looked down. Soon, all I remember is my feet moving quickly on the sidewalk, down some stairs, and running out the school doors.
As I made it out the front door, I grabbed the box from my pocket and threw it out into the rain. The box quickly opening and the gift clinking to the ground at the bottom of the stairs. I stood there for a minute then ran down the stairs, sinking to my knees and grabbing the gift. A small, heart shaped locket with a small engraving. A date, our date... I opened up the locket and smiled brightly, my face sobbing heavily. I couldn't believe what my eyes had seen. All this time, he knew who I was. He knew what I wanted. And he gave it to me... It may be an xray, but it's all I could ask for...
His heart...

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
FanfictionNicole was the loner of school. Until she found herself dumbfounded by the schools most popular group of boys. With Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro-Ortiz, and Mikey Way, the most popular boys in school. She was madly intranced with Gerard, but til...