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Ashton - 1957

I had heard about a job opening in america and I knew I had to get out of here quickly. Despite hearing that it was an odd job I would do it. So I took the plane to America and now i'm on my way to a place called New York. When the plane landed and I got my luggage I looked for my ride to the place where I'd have to be for work. As looked around, I found a man with sign that read Mr.Irwin  and with that he took me on my way to my fate. The car well limo drove through busy streets and I couldn't help but marvel at the bright lights flashing despite it being already past 8 in the night. This was New York alright, the city that never sleeps is what they say. We finally reached a snazzy hotel that looked like it was worth more than I could ever make in a life time. I grabbed my two suitcases and headed in. Then I was stopped at the reception desk.

"Looking for someone or do you want to stay the night?"An older man working there asked

"I'm looking for Mrs. Fern" I said as he nodded looking into a sheet with names next to it.

"She'll be on the fifth floor, room D306 and that'll be on the left of that floor" The man said as I nodded a farewell and headed for the elevator. I pressed the 5 and stood back. They told me I would have to be mentally prepare for this job but I have no clue what they meant by that. Soon enough I heard the 'ding!' of the elevator opening on that fifth floor and I headed down the left. As I stopped at D306 I heard yelling and things being thrown. I knocked either way and soon a lady came out with her hair out of place.

"Mrs. Fern?" I asked as she fixed herself up a bit and nodded

"Yes, that's me and who are you?" She asked eyeing me up and down

"I'm here about that job you told me about over the phone, I'm Ashton Irwin" I said offering my hand for a handshake but she just huffed.

"Glad you're here. This is your job. Come in" She said as she opened the door. I stepped inside and the first thing I noticed were clothes and alcohol everywhere. Whiskey, pearls, scotch, and evening gowns scattered across the floor.

"Velma! Get out here now!" Mrs. Fern yelled out and with that a blonde headed girl came out, she was beautiful, but her smeared lipstick and puffy eyes showed she was beyond okay right now. She caught me staring and raised an eyebrow

"Who the hell is this?" She said a bit of an american accent showing up as she looked at me confused and upset. This poor gal she looked too young for what she wore, which let me just say was too much for her age.

"This is Ashton, your new escort and care taker because i'm done being your care taker and manger." Mrs. Fern said and with those words I gave her a look of disbelief. I don't have the slightest clue on how to take care of anyone, heck I couldn't even take care of myself and that's how I ended up here.

"Fine, nice to meet you Ashton." She said smugly as she shook hands with me and with that smug look I knew that would be the start of something new.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now