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Ashton // 1957

Later that day after she met with her people we went back home but only briefly because she had something planned for us. She said to get dressed nice but casual, I went with what I would usually wear out, she wore a nice dress. Then we headed out, her chaueffer wasn't there to pick us up. She had her own car which was intresting but in a good way. The car was a new model just from this year, in cherry red.
"Wanna drive it? I usually drive but thats because no one else wants to" She says the key in her hand. I think about for a second but give in. The car was gorgeous and the motor worked great. She gave me the directions to where we were headed and we went from there. When we arrived all I saw was a cliff.
"Park next to that tree" She said pointing to a tree close to the edge of the cliff but not close enough where you fall off. As I parked I saw a drive-in theatre, we don't really have these back home.
"Free movie" She said playfully. The movie was some borning cowboys and indians kind of movie but she was enjoying it and that's all that mattered to me. I looked at my watch. It was around nine fifty-ish. We had the windows rolled up because it was mid October and it was some what cold, well for me. Even though she wouldn't admit it, she was freezing seeing as she forget her sweater at home so I took off my jacket and put it around her shoulders.
"Thanks Ash" She said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Then giggling at something.
"What's so funny?" I asked a small grin on my face
"I left a lipstick stain on your cheek" she said poking where she had kissed me. I looked in the rear-view mirror and noticed the outline of her lips on my cheek.
"It looks good, no worries. I'll actually show this off" I said giving her a wink as she laughed at my comment. The movie was getting a bit too long and boring so we headed home. When ws got home, she asked me to sleep with her, no not in some sexual way just sleep.
"It gets lonely in this house" she said quietly while getting in bed.
"Well i'm here now and i'm going to make things less lonely for ya" I said taking off my shoes and pants, I had brought my pyjama pants from my room and put them on and then just took off my shirt. She waited for me and when I layed down, she began to cuddle into my chest. Her scent was of some perfume but it was soft and intoxicating. We kissed again and she smiled.
"You make me feel alive" I whispered into her ear. She kissed me again. I dont know what we were becoming but the feeling was great. I hoped it would never end.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now