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Velma // 1957

We kissed, it happened. He kissed back, and he liked it. I'm acting like an adolescent but that's what I am. After the kiss i bathed and then was put in bed. My body ached badly, the bed was comforting and the blankets warm. I found myself drifting to sleep rather quickly. I dreamed of a parallel world where I was with Ashton, where it was just the two of us and no one judged and everything was a large meadow and strawberry fields. It was wonderful but when I woke up I knew that was far from reality. It was early too early even, as the sun wasn't out. i don't remember what time I had gotten home. I remember in my nightstand I had sleeping pills, maybe they would help me go back to bed. I turned to my right and open up the top drawer where I kept the. It's so unorganized in there. As I kept looking for them I ended up finding them in the very back. 

"Finally" I breathed out as I looked at the bottle, checking just how many I had to take. I knew Marilyn used these too, actually she was the one who recommend me to get them.

"Finally what?" Ashton said appearing in my room. I quickly hid the pills, I didn't want him thinking something was wrong.

"Oh nothing, go back to bed I'm fine" I smiled as he looked at me questionably 

"Then why did you hide something?" He said looking me straight in the eyes again, when ever he does this I can't help it, I end up saying the truth. There's something in the way he stares at me that just has this effect on me.

"I'm not going to get mad at you, I'm on your side remember?" He said sitting next to where I was laying down. I nodded remembering our previous conversation on this.

"They're sleeping pills, I was going to use some to go back to bed" I said as he put his hand out wanting the bottle of pills. I handed them to him, expecting to get them back but instead he put them in the pocket of his pants.

"Ashton, give those back!" I said trying to grab them as he pushed me off him

"No, i'm not letting you use these, you wanna know why?" He asks as I stare at him upset and confused

"I've seen what these pills do to people, yeah sure right now it's just to sleep but then you get hooked on them and you become an addict, it happened to many of my friends and it hurt seeing them slowly killing themselves on drugs. I'm not letting that happen to you" He said sternly, I felt awful. he never tells me about his past but it can't be any less worse than mine.

"I'm sorry, i'll just stay here until sunrise then, I can't fall asleep again. Anyways it can't be that early." I said as he looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Its four in the morning. You don't have anything to do until nine in the morning. Listen why don't I stay with you til you fall back asleep? But first let me throw away these pills, i'll be right back." He said, and I nodded agreeing. I stared at the wall. Not thinking just afraid to look somewhere else. He came back and sat on the opposite side of where I was laying.

"So, let's see it's now four-thirty in the morning and we're up. What do you want to talk about?" he said, playfulness in his voice. I giggled and laid my head on his chest.

"We could talk about our kiss" I said softly, smiling a bit at the thought of it.

"Well I liked it, it was quite...nice" He answered, a small laugh showing at the end of his response.

"Nice? Is that all?" I said playfully as he looked at me a huge grin on his face.

"Alright, alright, it was...hmm...let's see...incredible?" he said looking at me as i smiled at how cute his response was.

"Well I surely enjoyed myself. After all I did kiss first" I said, a small smirk tugging at my lips.

"I would do it again" He whispered looking at me, we both leaned in this time and kissed, a smile on his lips. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his warm lips on mine. They were soft and full, slightly chapped but something about them comforted me. We held each other and continued our kiss. It only felt like seconds but we were out of breath. When we pulled away I began blushing. He laughed a bit at my act but I couldn't help it if he had that effect on me.

"Promise me something?" I asked him as we laid back down.

"Anything" he answered

"This won't be the last time we do this" I asked

"This is only the start of many" He said quietly, gently kissing the top of my head as I began to fall asleep again, my head on his chest. I wish I could stay like this forever.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now