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Ashton // 1957

We had spent all of yesterday cleaning and making sure that everything was where it needed to be. Velma took almost half of the day contemplating what she would wear, it hurt watching her say that almost all her wardrobe made her look indecent. I thought she looked modest, but her parents must really be strict. Today they were to arrive to the house in the afternoon. We had breakfast, cleaned the house a bit more and then waited for them. At around two they arrived, Velma was so nervous she was shaking.

"Everything'll be okay, i'm here. I've got your back" I said to her, she nodded and went to open the door. I watched from the living room. Her parents looked very content and quiet.

"Mom, Dad, it's so been so long! How've you been?" Velma asked trying her best to not sound nervous. 

"We've been okay, so this is your home?" Her mother said in an odd accent. They stepped inside, I smoothed out my shirt as they walked into the living room.

"Mom, dad, this is Ashton, he is my new care taker, Mrs.Fern quit but she's still my manager." Velma told them as she walked to my side.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Velma says a lot of good things about you."I say pulling my hand out waiting for a handshake, they instead sit down. Well so much for manners.

"So Velma, this is what you left Georgia for? Is to be some sort of high class whore?" Her mother said pointing to Velma's outfit.

"I'm not a whore mother, I'm a model and an upcoming actress." Velma defends herself. Her father is the only one who hasn't spoken yet.

"Velma, you left your studies and ran off for this! Surely you realize in couple of years you won't even be wanted anymore. These people will forget all about you! For goodness sake, you're only seventeen you don't even know what you want." Her mother babbled, Velma looked on the verge of tears. The father just sat there.

"Velma your mother just worries for you" Her father finally spoke. His voice was very gravely.

"I know what i'm doing, and i'm quite sure I know what I want. If anything I left Georgia to make something out of myself instead of being another housewife with nothing better to do than to gossip about other peoples lives." Velma said, her mother looked beyond angry. 

"You know what? This was a waste of money, we came here to see if you had straightened out but obviously you haven't and you know what else?-"

"That's enough, you're daughter is great actress and you just make her feel more insecure. I'm sorry but you're not doing a very good job as a mother. She has done nothing more than to try to make you proud and if you can't see that, then you shouldn't judge her efforts. Also Velma is not a whore, she has respect for herself and knows very well who she is." I say fed up with this lady. Velma's father shrugs.

"Velma me and your father are leaving. I hope you're happy with your life here. Goodbye." And with that they were gone. Velma broke down in tears. I held her close and gently stroked her hair trying my best to soothe her but I knew it wasn't that easy.

"Let's get you to the bath and then to bed alright?" I asked her softly, she nodded and with that we went into her room. Once she was in the bath, I went into the kitchen and put some water to boil for tea. When I went back to her room she was getting dressed into her nightgown. 

"Made some tea, it's almost ready" I said to her, she gave me a small smile and went to the bed. This girl is so amazing I don't understand why her family can't see it. I don't understand why people can't see that she's amazing. Maybe in time they will.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now