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Velma // 1957

Ricky has me under lock and key. I really haven't been happy with him but Fern still is my manager and she said dating him would help my career. Despite our age gap she said it would be fine, Hollywood is strange to sum it up. I hate dating him though, it's like dating my father, he has to know where I am at all times and yet at the same time he is the biggest pervert i've come across he always tried to grab my well..ass and he makes the most disgusting jokes. He seemed sweet at first but don't they all. I'm quite honestly done with him and I told Fern i'm calling it off. Ashton doesn't know anything about this though, all he knows is that me and Ricky are having some issues at most but that's it. I wouldn't want to put too much worry on him. Tonight I have my final date with him, I hope all goes well

*later that day*

I finished getting ready, I looked at my reflection in the mirror for the last time, I wore a simple dress nothing over done, as I would be arriving home early enough. Then the door bell rang. I headed out to the front door.

"Should I wait for you tonight?" Ashton's voice rang from the living room

"Yes, I should be home soon. Be back soon bye Ashton" I yelled heading out.

"You look okay tonight, you could've dolled up a little more." Ricky's voice said as we got in his car.

"Well I thought I looked nice" I said as we drove off to the dinner reservation he made at the nearest restaurant. I prepared myself for the break up and rehearsed in the back of my mind what I would say to him. Once we made it to the restaurant I knew it was show time. We ate dinner and then he started talking.

"Next time wear something more, out there. Don't hide your goods" He said taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Well there won't be a next time, Ricky" I said taking a drink and then leaving. My chauffeur was waiting for me outside, I quickly got in the got car and I was out of there like a light. When I finally made it home I thanked my chauffeur and just as I was about to go in into the house, there was Ricky, standing on my porch. I stood there scared

"You think you can just leave me like that?" He said and then I felt a sharp sting. He slapped me.

"Listen little girl, you don't ever make a fool out of me in front of people" He said slapping me again, he slapped me so hard I hit the door and fell. He pulled me up from my neck and kept hitting. I yelled out in pain, my vision blurred but I saw Ashton, he swung at Ricky repeatedly. When I could finally see straight, there was blood on his knuckles.

"Ashton stop! Ashton thats enough! Ashton your going to kill him!" I said trying to pull him off of Ricky's pulped up body.

"Don't ever come near her again or I will kill you" He said his voice sounding lethal. He helped me inside and took me to my room. I took one quick glance into the mirror, to see blood on my lip and bruises forming already. My body was in so much pain and ache. I don't know how I would survive.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now