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Velma // 1957

After the miserable attempt with my mother, we were invited by Marilyn to see the premiere of The Prince and the Showgirl at the Chinese Theater. I agreed, and I knew who my date would be. The premiere would be only a two days away so I decided to go shopping with Ashton for our attire. I loved being out with him. He made things so fun, and speaking of fun. We currently were in the bath. Well, I was either way he was sitting watching me play in a  tub of bubbles.

"Are you having fun?" He said with a small laugh, I gave him a small nod, a giggle escaping my lips.

"You know when you showed up into my life things became much more fun, when summer  comes around we should go to the carnival and maybe we could go back to your country for the holidays" I said with joy in my voice. He got up and got a towel for me, then put on a Frank Sinatra record on. 

"Maybe we'll do all that, who knows but for now playtime is over Velma, if we're going to go shopping tomorrow you're going to need your rest" He said helping me out of the bath.

"Calm down you're only a couple of years old than me, you aren't my father" I said with a giggle as he handed me the towel and turned around.

"Well I may not be your father but I am your care taker and that means I must watch over you and make sure everything is in place. So please be aware that, that is the reason why I get paid but also because I think it's fun." He says, I simply roll my eyes remembering that this is his job.

"You are on my side though, aren't you?" I asked him with a smirk on my face

"Always will be, now can I turn around again?" He asked me, his hands covering his eyes. I giggled at how cute he was when it came to me being nude.

"Yes Mr..." I got stuck not quite remembering his last name.

"Irwin, my last name is Irwin, doll." He said picking me up, I screamed a bit as he carried me to my closet and then sat me down on the stool that I had inside. 

"Well my last name is Lancaster, just so you know" I said with a small wink.

"Oh yes the famous Velma Lancaster, isn't she a charmer" He said in a terrible host voice, it made me laugh

"And with her the dashing, Ashton Irwin all he way from...." I said waiting for his response as he gave me my night gown

"Australia, Sydney to be exact." He said with a wink, then he left the room as I changed. He's such a catch, I couldn't wait to show him off tomorrow.

"Oh Mr.Irwin you could come back in now" I said with a very posh voice. In he came, he took hold of me by my waist and spun me around as I giggled, then he set me down and kissed me. Not a needy kiss or something too passionate but more of gentle and caring. It was pure bliss, and I wish it didn't end but it had to though. Looking at the clock it was now eleven forty-three, and we headed off to bed. I laid next to him.

"Goodnight Mr.Irwin" I said cuddling into his chest.

"Goodnight Mrs.Irwin " He whispered, kissing my head. Someday...

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now