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Velma // 1957

After our date last night it was certain that there was something else about him, he wasn't pushy and he was didn't try anything in the car. He was a total catch, now here I am like creep staring at him while he sleeps. There are things that they say about sleep, like how it makes someone look younger and how small details become more prominent. I could see both in Ashton. His face looked softer, the stubble on his cheeks darker, I could see the curve of his jawline. He looked so at peace, it was comforting for some strange reason. I looked away for a second to check the time. When I looked back at him he was up.

"I wasn't asleep" He said with a small smile, a blush crept to my cheeks at the thought that he knew I was staring at him.

"Right, so what do you want for breakfast" I say trying to change the subject, as I get up from the bed.

"It's cute, really I didn't mind that you were staring" He said pulling me back into his arms, I could still smell the cologne from last night.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" I whispered to myself

"Yeah me too" He answered, I didn't think he had heard me. I look up at him and give him a small peck on the lips. It was this that I wish I could wake up to every morning. Maybe in time I could, but the sometimes I  think about what the media would say, what society would think. I mean they already view me as a whore, and i'm only seventeen.It wasn't exactly my choice either to have that image portrayed of me, if anything the people that were supposed to look out for me made me this way, they gave me this image. They said it would help me. I start feeling the sting of tears brimming in my eyes. Its too late to hold them back.

"So you're family is coming-" 

"Oh them too, great just great" I cut him off and wipe the tears from eyes.

"Darling whats wrong?" He says hugging me tight, I couldn't help but weep I felt awful about everything. He wiped the tears away.

"They think i'm a whore, my family, the people who made me into this, you're the only person who doesn't view me that way." I said letting go of him, scared of how he would react, I was sure he would hate me now. 

"I don't think you're a whore, you don't act like one, you certainly don't carry yourself like one and you have respect for yourself. Don't believe those people, you're perfect." He said hugging me. His scent was the most amazing thing, and his embrace made me feel like everything would be okay. 

"So when are they coming?" I asked him quietly

"Tomorrow" he answered back quietly

"Well then we have to prepare for their visit. Let's get started." I say both internally and externally. Tomorrow would be judgement day.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now