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Ashton // 1957

I woke up today feeling extra happy for some reason. She was still asleep next to me, her head on my chest. We hadn't called anything official and even though I wanted to badly I was also aware that I just work for her. I pushed that thought aside as she stirred from her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light, then gave me a small smile.

"Good morning" She said softly giving me a small kiss on the lips.

"Good Morning" I replied with a smile, she stretched, then turned back to me giving me a small giggle as I raised my eyebrow playfully.

"Ready for a day of shopping and exploring?" She asked me her voice filled with excitement. I nodded as she hugged me, the scent of her perfume still lingering. Gosh I love this girl. We got ready, ate, and then headed out to the city. I had seen pictures of Los Angeles in magazines back home, but seeing it in real life was much more exciting. We shopped for her dress first, some people recognized her and asked for autographs. She looked so happy, then we went to buy me shoes, and her heels. I had never really dealt with what brand I should buy but it was certainly interesting. She insisted that I should get a hair cut, so we did that too. Then the moment came for my suit, there were so many brands and styles, thankfully she was there to help me choose. Once we had gotten everything we went home dropped the bags of clothes in living room and then went back out into the city. We had lunch in a lovely small diner, and talked about our expectations for the movie. More people recognized her and asked for her autograph. She didn't mind, honestly this would be a good considerable first date. At around eight we headed back home.

"So did you have fun?" She asked me, a giggle in her voice

"I had lots of fun, especially since it was with you" I answered playfully to her question

"I'm glad, tomorrow is just a day to ourselves so we can do whatever we want" Velma said with a small smirk on her face.

"Whatever we want" I said starting her bath, she giggled nodding. I smiled at her actions, it's only now that I realize the year is almost over, with October soon on the way. I turn twenty next year, and she turns eighteen, she's so mature for her age. She grew up to soon, its unfortunate but at the same time good, because she knows who she is and what she wants.

"Ashton, join me in the bath" She said with a laugh, I shook my head.

"Oh don't be a fuddy duddy adult" She said with a pout

"Sorry but I have to be a fuddy duddy adult, maybe next time" I said giving her a small wink. She raised an eyebrow playfully.

"I was thinking tomorrow we could finally use the pool, maybe have a summer type of dinner since the weather is still quite warm and we could play Elvis records, you know that sort of fun." She suggested as I helped her out of the bath.

"I never took you for a fan of rock n'roll" I said with a bit of a laugh, mainly because she looked like the type of girl who didn't appreciate loud music.

"I actually was discovered at a rock n'roll show back in Georgia, they were filming a commercial for something when I went, they said I had star potential, but my mother didn't want me in those sort of things, that's why I left, forged her signature, and moved out here to Los Angeles. I almost met him once, Elvis" She said as she got dressed, I didn't look but I listened to the story.

"You did, did you?" I asked as she hummed 

"Yes, they wanted me to him because they wanted me to make connections and all that but unfortunately he couldn't make it, I did however get a phone call, his voice was like a dream, but I wasn't interested in him so we just stayed friends, then I met Marilyn, they said I looked like a younger her so we met and instantly we became good friends. She's a true role model to me." Velma continued, I went to shower and she followed me in.

"I think you should wait here" I said stopping her at the door frame of the bathroom

"Why? I wanna keep talking to you" She said with a pout

"We'll talk when I get out of the shower" I said with a small laugh, she sighed. giving in. I then went to shower, she's something else, if only she was mine already. I almost got nervous midway through her story at the thought that Elvis could've being hers but she chose to stay but can Elvis say he's gotten to kiss her? I think not, that must mean that me and her something more. It must. 

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now