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Velma // 1957

I woke up next to Ashton, he was still very much asleep. My head was pounding out of my skull. I looked and saw my flask -it was empty- I threw it across the room and got up. Last night was a disaster and I hope it ends soon. I know this much, tonight i'm flying back home. California, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and the beach. I needed to get out of here. I decided to clean up last nights mess, I remember what he said. He's on my side, he cares about how I feel. In time we'll grow closer. He'll protect me and won't throw me away like others have. He isn't like them. I know that now. After some hours of cooking and cleaning, he wakes up and enters the kitchen where i'm at contemplating whether to take my pills or not.

"Good morning Velma. How'd you sleep?" He asked me as I faked a smile and turned around.

"I slept great Ashton" I said pulling off a good smile while he nodded

"Don't lie, you were crying last night. You can trust me Vel, i'm not going to hurt you. I promise I just want to know what I can do to make you happy." He said softly coming near me and I don't know but I swooned and hugged him, tears stinging my eyes as I cried out a bit more than last night. 

"Oh Ashton, this is a misery. I didn't know things would turn out like this, I mean sure I wanted to be far from my family but I didn't realize how much they would try to change me. When the money started rolling in, they suddenly loved me. They had me fooled for a while, I almost married a man twice my age due to the things they had me believing. It's been awful since then, they almost sent me to an asylum" I said whispering the last part as I fell to the floor. There was more to the story but some things are too sensitive to share. He held me, whispered in my ear that I was strong. His warmth and embrace calmed my anxiety.

'I promise, I won't ever let that happen. Never again Velma" He whispered as I nodded still not letting go of him. For the remainder of the day we packed up. My time in New York was almost up and soon i'd be heading back to Los Angeles. Oh how I missed home, far from work and more like a paradise. At midnight we headed for the airport, Ashton sat in a seat next to mine and we discussed about how lovely it is in California and how I'd show him the big studios and the Hollywood sign. Back home I was always on my own but now I have him. He said he's going to live with me now since he is my new care taker. Mrs.Fern hated taking care of me, i'm glad she left. Ashton is different, he listens, cares, and understands me. I'm glad he's coming home with me. 

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now