Twenty - One

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Ashton // 1957

"Now listen here, the both of ya. I don't care what the hell is between you's but in front of the women I suggest you get your shit together," Leonard said lighting a cigarette.
"How did you even get to America, you bastard," I seethed at Calum.
"Marilyn and I met at some event in Sydney," he smirked

"So what's the story, ladies?" Leonard said taking another drag from his cigarette.

"I was in bad business with him back when we were younger, the mob down in Australia was looking for me so I skipped town and got a job here in America." I said as Calum scoffed.

"Yeah sure but don't forget who helped you leave. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here-"

"If it wasn't for you ratting me out in the first place I wouldn't have had to," I interrupted.

"Bunch of stupid kids, both of ya now listen. This is America you're in, so try to fix yourselves up and let's get back in there." He said going back into the house. We followed after the women were in the middle of a conversation.

"Did we interrupt something?" I asked Velma, she shook her head giving me a small smile. The rest of dinner was filled with fake smiles from both me and Calum.

"So Marilyn, are you excited for your next film?" Velma asked during a quiet moment.

"Very, I get to bring Calum along it's going to be grand," she gushed grabbing a hold of him.

"Well congratulations Marilyn, anyways I'm sure we're all gonna be busy these holidays. I'm planning a little something for the record company with the help from Leonard," Etta said as Leonard nodded in agreement.

"Oh how fun! Well me and Ashton are going back to New York for the remainder of the year so we'll be celebrating the holidays there," Velma said. The rest of the evening consisted of stories between the women and there careers, while we listened. Once the night had ended and we were left to ourselves I felt less anxious. Tomorrow we would begin packing for New York. Just me and her.

1957 // A.I (a.u)Where stories live. Discover now