Chapter 10: Confessions and storms?

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It was time for community service and I internally groaned as the warden had yelled out from the speakers plastered all around the centre.

"Community service is today twats! Make sure you are all in the community hall in five minutes".

I quickly finished the last of the dishes I had to do in the kitchen and washed my hands before heading towards the community hall. Upon arrival, I noticed some of the people my community service group had gathered already.

I hadn't talked to Wolfe since our little dispute about me being a part of Barbie's clique. Who was he to tell me how to run my life? I was desperate to survive in this place and if me surviving meant that I had to be a part of that clique then so be it.

In the hall I noticed both the warden and his executive assistant were both present. Once everyone had arrived, executive assistant Elizabeth Campbell had attempted to hush the loud chatter growing through the room.

"Everyone shut up!" She yelled out. As she yelled, the whole room went quiet.

All eyes were now plastered on the slim figure standing next to the warden.

"This month's community service will be a lot different. It will be hosted here in the centre due to the weather prediction of a huge storm coming our way. The warden and I are also compelled to tell you all that leaving the premises to go onto the field or leaving the buildings are not allowed for the time being. Leaving the building will put you all in severe danger when the storm arrives. That is all." She announced before her and the warden left the room.

Once they left, the JJC officers found their prescribed groups. Just my luck, Seth was once again our designated JJC officer, along with Nora Bowman, who yet again wore her lipstick on her teeth.

"Okay group, today will be a lot of fun because our community service this month is to make birthday cards for the elderly!" Bowman squealed out in excitement. 

She kept squealing as she looked around the group. Finally her squealing came to a halt as she noticed everyone, including Seth wore blank expressions on their faces.

She cleared her throat and told us that our craft making will pursue in the arts and crafts room. This was located in building two and the room was barely used.

As we all headed off, I felt an unwanted presence behind me. My instincts told me to stop and confront that presence, but I shook off my thoughts and continued to walk.

 Once we all arrived, the room had three long benches with several cards, pens, paint, glitter, stickers, and more crafts. I wanted to vomit at all the glitter and sparkles in the room.  I wasn't complaining though as this form of community service was basically time to bludge.

"Okay everyone; take a seat and when the hour is up, you all must have made at least ten cards!" Seth announced.

I then headed off to a seat at the end of a bench, hoping that no one would sit next to me. 

However, to my despair, a figure sat next to me and I wanted to mentally punch myself.

It was Wolfe.

I dedicated a lot of effort into not making eye contact with Wolfe whilst I started to make my cards. I grabbed a pen and wrote a basic 'happy birthday' message into a plain card and then placed a few flower stickers around it.

"That's a work of art." Wolfe joked as he looked at my barely there birthday card.

I ignored him and moved onto my second card.

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