Chapter 11: When lightning strikes

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Wolfe and I were still stuck in the abandoned tool shed for what seemed like hours. The storm was growing stronger and stronger and with this upsurge in strength which fuelled my anxiety and fear. 

"Wolfe, what if this shed breaks down and crushes us?!" I yelled out over the loud sounds of rain crashing down.

He laughed at my fear.

"If we do die, at least you will die knowing my story. You should feel content as I haven't told any one else." He replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at his conceitedness. As the rain grew stronger, I started to shiver. Goosebumps had also started to develop all over my body. Wolfe noticed that I was basically freezing to death, so he passed me his jumper.

How could I be so stupid to not wear a jumper after the frequent warnings of a deadly storm. The least I could have done was bring a jumper with me.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I put his large and warm jumper on. 

As I put it on, it felt like I could not feel anything and all I could feel was a warm security blanket. I felt safe. I did not know if I felt this feeling of security because Wolfe was right next to me, or because the jumper had basically saved me from developing hypothermia.

Before Wolfe could say anything else, lightning had struck the shed in a matter of milliseconds. Wolfe and I had not expected this sudden surge of power and it caused us both to topple down in fear. Wolfe chuckled at my high pitched screams and in return I hit him on the arm. A few seconds after the lightning had struck, thunder had erupted. We all know that light travels faster than sound right?

The thunder felt as though it was right above us. At that moment, lightning had struck the shed causing objects to fly in random directions. The explosions happened almost instantaneously and before I knew it, Wolfe had grabbed me and held me down with him, protecting me from the many tools that hung on the walls of the shed. However,  I felt shrapnel enter me and I screamed in pain.

"Jaedyn, come on we need to get out of here" Wolfe yelled out.

Still in his grip, Wolfe quickly pulled us out before the walls could tumble and basically crush us.

Once out into the not so safe zone of the field, Wolfe noticed my injuries.

"Shit your bleeding!" He cursed. He pulled us towards the door and started banging on it profusely in hopes that someone would notice.

"For fuck's sake, can someone open this door" He yelled out.

A few minutes passed and still no one had walked by the transparent doors and noticed us stuck in the storm, and me basically bleeding out.

"Fuck it" Wolfe whispered before punching the door with his arms, causing the glass to shatter. He quickly opened the door and I knew he was in pain by the way he was tensing his arms.

He never let go of his grip on me, and once we were inside he yelled out for help. The shrapnel had entered my legs and my abdominal area. I was bleeding heavily and desperately needed medical attention.

A few JJC officers had quickly entered the corridor in response to Wolfe's cries of help. I noticed Seth was one of them.

"Christ what happened?!" Seth yelled out as he came to my side to inspect my injuries.

"That doesn't matter now, what we need now is fucking help!" Wolfe growled. He was obviously frustrated from the whole situation. 

Seth looked taken aback but his expression changed when he realised Wolfe was right. He called some JJC officers to help him pick me up and take me to the medical facility.

Once there, I felt light-headed and quite faint due to the loss of blood I was experiencing. I saw flashing lights and blurry figures. I then the heard noises in the room become more and more faint and the room started to slowly drift away from me.

Before I knew it, I blacked out.


All I remember was me screaming for dear life as light and consciousness started to reiterate.

I remember doctors and nurses hushing me and trying their best to calm a raging teenager who does not react well to anaesthesia. Which I'm guessing they injected me with once I lost consciousness.

I finally calmed down once my full consciousness and vision had returned. I noticed Wolfe and Seth both sitting down on the chairs beside my bed.

"Well that was quite a scene" Wolfe let out with a smirk.

"You definitely remind me of the possessed girl in the Exorcist movie" He added.

"Well gee that's a compliment a girl loves to hear" I let out weakly.

"So what happened again?" I asked once I noticed the bandages wrapped around my leg and stomach area.

"Well you suffered a load of blood loss because this idiot over here decided to lock you guys out of safety in a dangerous storm to Talk" Seth explained as he pointed to Wolfe and used air quotes for the word "talk".

Wolfe rolled his eyes.

"I didn't mean to get us into danger" Wolfe explained as he gave Seth a cold look.

"I just – You know what forget it. I'm going to bed" Wolfe spat as he left the room.

I sighed and tried not to make eye contact with Seth due to the fact that we nearly kissed a couple of days ago. 

It was just us two in the room, and I did not know what to say or do.

"I brought you some chocolates." Seth finally let out as he passed me a box of Cadbury chocolates, which happen to be my favourite kind of chocolate.

"I haven't had these for ages, thank you" I replied excitedly as I ripped open the box like a vulture and dug into my favourite, Cadbury Ripe. As I was stuffing my face, I offered a smiling Seth some chocolate to which he refused.

"Can't spoil myself, need to keep my good shape" He joked.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked with a fake gasp.

"Well you have nearly demolished that whole pack of chocolates"

"I have no shame and I'm starving". I replied.

We both laughed before he cleared his throat and changed his expression changed to somewhat serious.

"I hope you're feeling better, but my shift is on in the dining hall, I better go" He let out waving me good bye.

I sighed.

I was feeling something towards both guys but I knew I couldn't. One is a JJC Officer which is prohibited, and one is a delinquent which is not my family's type.I know once I'm out of here, I will forget about them both and move on with my life; marry a rich guy, have several children (preferably boys) and become a house wife. But sadly, that was my parent's dreams for me and my dreams were poles apart.


So what do you guys think?!

Sorry for updating so late but I'm going to try to update as much as I can.

I really see potential for this book and soon the drama will start to pile on!

Leave a COMMENT, VOTE AND FOLLOW and I will update as much as I can



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