Chapter 18: SHU TIME

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I was still in shock as I watched the JJC Officers and Warden search the Kitchen whilst Barbie and I stood there not knowing what to do. 

"I bet it was you. Miss rich bitch. I should have never let you in." Barbie whispered, giving me a look of disgust. 

"It wasn't me okay." 

"Bullshit." She whispered and turned away when the Warden and a few other JJC officers stopped what they were doing and looked over at us.

"We have had intel from a JJC Officer that you guys have been running an illegal contraband business. They said you guys were dealing drugs. Is this true?" The Warden asked Barbie and I.

We both denied these allegations and the warden crossed his arms as he stared us down. 

"Who told you that?" Barbie asked.

"It's none of your concern who told me what. All you need to know is that they had caught Jaedyn dealing drugs in return for money. But lucky for you both we have not found anything yet. However, you guys will be both be sent down to the SHU for a month whilst we investigate this." The warden announced before Barbie and I could protest. 

"What, the SHU, no fucking way! I did nothing. THat's not fair. You can't do this." Barbie pleaded. 

"Too bad." The warden replied before signalling the JJC Officers to cuff us up. 

Barbie put up a fight and refused to be cuffed, but I was too shocked to really understand what had just happened. The only person I told was Seth? He wouldn't have told anyone! Maybe another JJC Officer had truly saw me dealing. Maybe I was not careful enough.

My thoughts were interrupted by the pain of the cuffs being placed around my wrists. 

"Ouch" I let out at the tightness around my wrists. Did they really have to cuff me so tight? 

I looked over at Barbie and she gave me a disgusted look. She had finally given up and allowed the JJC Officer to cuff her.

The two officers dragged us out of the kitchen and walked us towards Solitary Confinement. 

I tried not to look at anyone as we were escorted out. I kept my eyes down and walked another walk of shame. 

On my way to the SHU I heard Wolfe's voice call out. 

"Skittles? What the fuck happened?" He asked as he saw Barbie and I being taken to Solitary.

I looked up at him and shook my head, unable to answer him.

He looked shocked and once we hit a corner, he was out of view. 

Damn, I won't be seeing that beautiful face for a month. 


"I know it was you rich bitch". Barbie yelled out from her cell. 

Let me tell you, solitary confinement is as scary as all the horror stories. 

You are locked up in a small room with an uncomfortable bed that looks like it has not been cleaned in a month, no windows and a toilet and a dirty sink. There was nothing to do. You were alone. No one to interact with other than through the thick walls. 

Barbies cell was right across mine from what I could hear and we have been here for probably ten minutes and all she had been doing this whole time was accuse me. 

Who could have snitched?  Maybe it was Wolfe... I mean he knew and he was angry at me, it could have been him or any other inmate. Or maybe it was Seth. I didn't want to believe it because I thought I meant something to him. 

All I know is that if they find anything, we are screwed and our sentences will be extended for who knows how long.

"Barbie, how many times do I have to to tell you, I never told the warden! I never would have intentionally snitched on you guys." I yelled out. 

"What do you mean intentionally?" She yelled back out.

"QUIET INMATES." A JJC Officer disrupted us. 

I sighed and looked back at the bed. Oh god, what if it's filled with bed bugs? 


It felt like it had been just over five days that we were in the SHU, but I could not be sure since we didn't have any clocks or any sense of time. The rooms in the SHU were always dim so it was hard to distinguish between day and night-time. 

Barbie was still extremely angry at me. She threatened me a couple of times, telling me that once we are out, I am as good as dead. 

I really wanted to tell her about the whole I told Seth about this but I really don't think he snitched situation. But honestly, I was way too scared of that. 

"Dinner time inmates." I heard a JJC Officer announce.

Solitary food was even way worse than kitchen food and sadly, I didn't get any special dietary meals. It was a pretty standard tray of minced meat, mashed potatoes, peas and some weird pudding thing that had mould growing on the top. 

The JJC Officer placed the meal through the slit in our door that only allowed meals to be transferred in and out of our cells. 

"Thanks". I mumbled whilst taking the tray and placing it on the floor next to me. 

I sighed. 

This was torture. All that I had were my thoughts and Barbie across from me constantly sending me threats. I understood why people went crazy in here. 

"So rich bitch, are you ever going to tell me why you had to join my clique? You told me I was basically saving your life. Why?" Barbie yelled out when she heard the JJC officer leave. 

I looked down at my hands and fumbled with them. Should I tell her? Maybe it would make her understand why I joined and not think I'm the snitch. 

"Why should I trust to tell you?" I asked Barbie. 

She laughed in response. 

"Well I trusted you and look where that got us." She shot back. 

Fair enough. 

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