Chapter 14: Going to the dentist can be very full filling.

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My week off from my kitchen duties was nearly up and today was the day I was taking a trip to the dentist. There was a good and bad side of this; the good side was that I was finally going to look normal again once I get my teeth fixed. The bad side was that I  hated the dentist.

I mean why do they need so much apparatus for teeth? I swear they can use that equipment to torture people. I also hated those sucking tubes because of the vast amount of time's I've nearly choked on them.

My appointment was just after lunch time which allowed me to avoid everyone and escape the prison for a few hours. The dentist they booked me at was around half an hour away which I was thankful for. I needed as much time away from this hell hole as possible.

I headed towards the Warden's office to hand him the form to sign. He gave me a disgruntled groan and quickly signed the form before calling in a JJC officer to take me.

"You know the tax payers are paying for your precious teeth. You don't deserve new teeth, you deserve what you got." He let out as he dialled a number on his telephone.

I gave him a disgusted look. It wasn't right how they treated people like me. I'm a human being, I did not choose to grow up in a well-off family and it's definitely not my fault that tax-payers are paying for my teeth. If the Triple X girls hadn't attacked me, then maybe I wouldn't need new teeth.

"Hi yes, Seth I need you to take a spoilt brat, I mean inmate to the dentist. Yeah it has the address on the form. Thank you." I heard the warden mumble to the person on the phone. And that person just happened to be Seth.


I waited in the prison atrium before being greeted by Seth.

"OH so you're the spoilt brat that Warden Cross was talking about. I would have never guessed." Seth joked.

I guess everyone knew me as spoilt around here.

"You're funny." I replied dryly.

"What happened to your teeth?!" He questioned as he noticed my missing teeth.

"I'll enlighten you on the way there but can we get out of here first? I'm so sick of this place." I muttered. 


"Wait so they cornered you? And just beat the crap out of you? That's heavy Jaedyn. Why haven't you reported it yet?" Seth asked after I told him about my run in with the Triple X girls. I told him the whole back story and why they hate me.

"Um, do you see how they treat me here? Heck the warden refers to me as a spoilt brat. No one would help!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah but there must be something you can do! They can't get away with that" He replied as he changed the gears in the van.

"I don't know. I guess the only thing I can do is stay around people who can keep me safe." I sighed.

"Like who?" He asked.

"Certain people." I mumbled as I thought about Wolfe. 

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Seth spoke up.

"You know one time, I went to the dentist without lunch, and he gave me a plate." Seth said in a serious tone.

"What really? A pla--- OH wait! I get it." I laughed as I finally understood his dentist pun.

"Well word of caution. Once we enter this pun cavity, it's hard to pull out. I mean I'm the queen of puns." I joked as he erupted in laughter.

"I got a gold filling, so I guess you can say I put my money where my mouth is." He let out.

And that's how we spent the rest of the drive to the dentist.


My visit to the dentist wasn't so great; I accidently spat on the dentist's face as he handed me a liquid that tasted like toothpaste and vodka mixed together. I then once again nearly choked on the stupid sucking tubes and screamed the building down as he stuck a numbing needle in my gums.

But I survived and walked out with a full set of teeth. Well a set of teeth that were mostly real, with three being fake.

But I was content because all that mattered was that I did not look like an idiot anymore. 

Seth drove me back to the prison, and on the way we stopped for some donuts which made my day one hundred times better.

I probably wasn't supposed to eat the sugary goodness that my cookies and cream donut was as I had just been at the dentist, but I didn't care. I wanted it. 

"Thanks for the donut and for cheering me up. I guess I needed that." I admitted when we finally arrived back at the prison.

"No problem." He replied after stuffing his face with a donut. 

There was something about Seth that made me feel safe here. Well I guess because he is a JJC officer and that's partly his job, but I felt like he took extra care of me.

As I returned back to the hell hole, it was time for dinner.

Yay was all I could say.


I know this chapter was short, but I really want to update more regularly, so this means shorter chapters!

Tell me what you think guys xoxoxo

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