Chapter 13: The sexy midget with three missing teeth

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It's been a few days since being beat up by the Triple X Girs. I've basically avoided any human contact so no one could see what a mess I looked like with my three bottom teeth missing. Fortunately, I still had the week off, meaning I could stay in bed most of the day. I didn't even attend any meal times. I was too humiliated to face anyone.

It's not just embarrassment that I looked ridiculous with my missing teeth, but I also would look frail and pathetic. Everyone would put two and two together and figure out that I had been basically beaten up.

This would make me look like an easy target, and it's just a prison rule of thumb not to look weak.

As I laid in bed reading Fifty Shades of Grey that I had borrowed from Oreos, I heard a knock on my door. I wondered who it was because it had currently been lunch time. 

"Who's here?" I called out from the comfort of my bed.

"It's your favourite person, open up!" I heard Wolfe reply.

I sighed in response and quickly got up. Great he's going to see what an idiot I looked like.

"What do you want?" I grumbled as I opened the door.

Before I could say anything else, he erupted in laughter.

"You-your t-teeth! What the fuck happened?" He asked in between laughs.

"Ha Ha Ha, take a picture of this wonderful site because you won't be seeing it again." I replied as I rolled my eyes and walked back to my comfortable bed.

He followed me to my bed and took a seat at the edge.

"What happened? I seriously thought you were dead, but I see you were sheltered in your room all these days." He asked in all seriousness.

I looked at him with an annoyed look on my face.

"What happened? Oh right, the tooth fairy came and accidently mixed up my teeth with some child and took my three bottom teeth instead of theirs." I answered with sarcasm.

"Okay miss sarcasm. Tell me what really happened." He demanded, as he moved closer to me.

I sighed.

"Remember those girls we saw the other day. The ones that scared me shitless. Well they caught me alone... and well yeah... they kind of beat me up." I answered, looking down in embarrassment.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" He asked.

"Because who would care? Most people would say I got what I deserved. I'm still a spoilt rich kid to these people, and you think a place this corrupt would do anything to help me?" I let out. 

"I don't see you as a spoilt, rich kid." He let out lightly as he lifted my chin with his fingers so that our eyes had met.

I then let go of his grip and crossed my arms as I looked away.

I realised I was ashamed of myself. Of my actions. Of what I had become.

He stared at me for a few seconds before folding his arms also.

I gave him a weird look in which he returned.

I then unfolded my arms, and as I did so, he replicated my actions.

I let out a laugh at his stupidity.

He then laughed.

I see what he was doing, and I guess it was working as he was lightening my mood.

I then chose to beat him at his own game.

"So are you happy now. Will you come to lunch with me?" He asked.

"So are you happy now. Will you come to lunch with me?" I mimicked.

He rolled his eyes.

I rolled my eyes.

He then licked his lips. 

I then licked my lips in return.

He ran his hands along the length of his chest area.

I nearly broke out into laughter at his failed attempt at looking sexy but I never lose so I did not break character.

I then copied his sensual actions.

He then lifted his top to reveal his bare chest.

Oh he's trying to make me give up. Well guess what, I never give up Wolfe.

I then slowly and teasingly pulled up my pyjama shirt.

I noticed he had bit his lip and I smiled at the fact that I was having an effect on him.

I then threw my top on the ground in triumph, revealing my favourite lace bra. 

"Fine you win. Only because you look like a sexy midget with three missing bottom teeth." He said as he laughed.

"Oh shit, I forgot about my teeth." I groaned as I let me head fall into my hands in embarrassment.

"But you still look sexy." He added as I realised I was still topless.

"Also did you have some nice alone time reading Fifty Shades of Grey?" He asked whilst wiggling his brows. 

I playfully hit him and laughed. 

"Come on let's go to lunch." I said as I put my shirt back on.


As we walked into lunch, all eyes were on us. People noticed my teeth were missing and they slowly started to ridicule me. I was lucky that Wolfe was beside me and who ever made a comment about my appearance, would get a cold stare from Wolfe. This definitely scared them off from teasing me as everyone was afraid of him. 

Wolfe led me to his table. 

"You can sit with me." he suggested. 

I nodded and followed him to his infamous table. Everyone gasped. 

I guess no one but Wolfe and his pack was allowed to sit at that table. 

"You don't usually do this do you?" I whispered in Wolfe's ear. 

"You need protection, and I'm here to protect you." He explained to me. 

I smiled at his words. 

The rest of the guys gave me weird stares as we all ate. 

"Guys, can you stop giving her the stink eye." Wolfe ordered. 

"Okay, but why is she sitting with us?" One of them asked. 

"Guys I know you all hate her and think she's just a typical spoilt rich kid" He started. 

I cleared my throat. 

"You do realise I'm sitting right here?" I retorted. 

"Thank you for informing me, I mean I couldn't see you right in my periphery" He replied in a sarcastic manner, to which I rolled my eyes at. 

"Anyways, as I was saying. I know you all hate her, but trust me, she's not that bad. She will grow on you. And she is sticking with me, no ifs and no buts." He explained.

Butterflies erupted at that moment I realised he truly wanted to protect me. 



It's sort of a filler but DRAMA IS ON IT'S WAY



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