3 * ATLAS * 3

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I wake up to knocking on the front door. I grab a pillow and throw it at Sam but she barely budges, leaving me to open the door for the mystery stranger. I think back as I put on my slippers and try to remember if I have any packages being delivered today but nothing comes to mind. I open the door and he rushes inside, grabbing me in his arms and squeezing me.

"Jessy! I'm back!"

I screech when I realize it's Jace hugging me, finally back from his summer vacation. His skin is tanner and his hair is lighter, the blondest I've ever seen it.

"I thought you weren't getting back until Wednesday?" I ask, pulling away to meet his hazel eyes.

"I got an earlier flight, so I wouldn't miss the first day back." He smiles, flashing me his perfect smile.

I grab him again, burying my face into his tshirt. He laughs and hugs me back, carefully walking us towards Sam's bed where she's still dead asleep. He pulls away from me and brings a finger to his lips, instructing me to be quiet. Before I can follow along he's jumping on top of her and jostling her awake.

"Sammy! I'm back! Didn't you miss me?" He laughs, shaking her about as she groans and attempts to shove him off her bed.

"Jace! It's not even eight yet!" She laughs, grabbing one of the pillows from under her head and smacking him with it.

He grabs the other pillow beside her and smacks her back which starts an all-out war. I watch in amusement as Sam tackles him to the mattress and smacks him about with both pillows, having taken his. He laughs as she does, and I roll my eyes, grabbing one of my own pillows before putting her in her place.

"Jess! I thought we were a team!" She shrieks, stumbling off her bed and charging me with both pillows raised in her fists.

Before we can get to smacking each other, Jace is coming up behind us and throwing us over each of his shoulders to put a stop to the pillow fight. We both pound at his back and yell at him to put us down, which he does, all of us collapsing on the couch in front of the TV.

"That's enough cardio for today," He sighs, laughing as he grabs the remote and switches on family feud, "Breakfast requests, ladies?"

"Jace's famous hangover scramble?" Sam suggests, batting her eyelashes and hoping he says yes.

"Do we have bacon and onions?" He asks, looking between us.

"We should, just went to the store Friday." Sam shrugs, gesturing to the packed mini fridge.

He laughs, getting up from the couch and tossing a blanket over us before plugging in the griddle and getting to work chopping the onions. I hear the sizzling of the bacon cooking and the onions sautéing and suddenly our dorm is filled with the mouthwatering smell.

I decide to get up and start the coffee pot when I realize my usual morning routine had been neglected due to the surprise visit from my best friend. I look up to meet his smiling face as I switch on the coffee pot and can't help but grin to myself, glad that he's back from his all summer vacation to Mexico with his family.

"Mom and Dad were asking where you were the whole time, Jessy." He says, nudging me with his elbow as he starts to flip the bacon.

"I know I just, it was a family vacation, like your whole extended family, I don't belong in that." I sigh, not meeting his eyes.

"Yes, you do, you are family Jess, you know that." He says solemnly.

"Jace, there were matching tshirts and family pictures," I laugh, finally meeting his eyes, "sadly I'm not a true Knighton, only an honorary member."

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