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I wake up to the ear shattering sound of his blaring alarm clock from his side table. I roll over, squinting my eyes against the light coming in the window to see him not even budging.

"Harry," I groan, shoving at his back and attempting to cover my ears with my pillow, "Harry wake up and shut that thing off please."

He just mumbles in his sleep, rolling further onto his side and adjusting his pillow. How on Earth is he sleeping through this insatiable beeping? I huff in annoyance and sit up in bed, reaching as far over as I can to silence the screeching alarm clock. Before I know it I'm damn near on top of him, but my fingertips just barely skim the snooze button and the room falls silent again. I sigh in relief as I fall back against the bed rather than reaching across him. He stirs in his sleep, turning over to face me as he blinks his eyes open.

"I know I said you could spoon me for warmth, but I never agreed to you laying on top of me, dollface." He smirks, folding his arms.

I roll my eyes and get up from the bed, my feet nearly freezing on the spot as they come into contact with the ice-cold floor. I grab my slippers and shove them on, crossing my arms over my chest as I head out the door to the bathroom. I start the shower and turn the heat as far as it will go, hoping to defrost myself before me and Harry have to leave for Stats class. Just as I've stepped into the hot water, the door to the bathroom swings open and closes again.

"Harrrryyyy." I groan, not in the mood for his antics this early in the morning.

"Just brushing my teeth," He says, and I can hear the smug expression in his voice, "I'll try not to run the water too much."

I hear the faucet turn on and I screech as the shower water turns ice cold. I jump out of the water stream from the shower just as I hear him chuckling, his laugh muddled by his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Harry! I swear to god!" I shout, peeking out of the shower curtain and throwing a nearly empty bottle of shampoo at him.

He dodges it, holding up his hands in surrender as I hold up another bottle ready to aim, "Woah, woah! Calm down dollface!" He laughs, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

He reaches for the faucet and rinses his mouth out before turning it off and tossing his toothbrush back into the cup with mine. He looks at me expectantly and I only roll my eyes, once again disappearing behind the shower curtain. The water is warm again on my skin and I can finally breathe. I hear the bathroom door close again as I rinse my hair and grab my towel. I peek outside the curtain to make sure he's gone before I grab my clothes and start to get dressed for class.

I'm tugging my jeans up my legs when the door opens again, and he walks back inside, pushing past me as if everything is fine.

"Harry! What the hell!" I shout, holding my tshirt up to cover my nearly naked top half.

"Come on dollface, you're not my type. If I was gonna look I would have done it by now." He shrugs uninterestedly as he runs his fingers through his hair and pulls a black sweatshirt over his thin tshirt.

"Oh lovely, so glad to know that I'm not the type for a guy that has no type." I huff, rolling my eyes.

"Not what I meant." He defends, finally turning to me as I stretch my sweater over my head.

"Sure, Styles."

I flatten the frizz already apparent in my hair and check the time, making sure that I'm ready a bit early as Harry was complaining about wanting to get coffee before class today.

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