4 * MISS YOU * 4

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I wake up with light already pouring in through my curtains and instantly I know I've slept way too long. I sit upright in bed, rubbing my eyes and fumbling around on my nightstand to find my phone.

How is it already seven?

I jump out of bed and start shuffling through drawers trying to find a pair of jeans and a tshirt to throw on so I can get out the door. I shove shoes on my feet and tie my hair up in a bun as I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Out of the corner of my eye I see something, rather someone, in a brown sweater sat at our breakfast bar. I take a few steps back until my kitchen is in view once again to see Jace and Sam chatting across from each other with cups of coffee in their hands. What the hell is he doing here and why did no one get me?

"There she is!" Sam smiles, "Told you she'd be out in a minute."

Instantly my face is bright red when I realize how crazy I must have looked running to the bathroom, but it gets even redder when I see Jace eyeing my shoes. I look down to see two different sandals on my feet and quickly look back up to see him laughing.

"Hey Jessy, take your time, I'm driving you in today." He smiles, taking a sip of coffee.

"Okay." I breathe, shoving the bathroom door open and closing myself inside.

I look at myself in the mirror to see my hair in a curly, frizzy mess of a bun on top of my head. Shoving on a tshirt and jeans to get to class on time seemed like a good idea two minutes ago but now that Jace is driving me with his perfectly styled hair and name brand cardigan, it just won't do. I reach for my brush and attempt to sort out the knots in my hair as I also brush my teeth.

Once I can actually run my fingers through my hair I walk back out with the correct sandals on. He eyes me with raised eyebrows and I suggest that we go so I'm not late. Despite my classes being close enough to walk, having someone offer to drive you, especially when you're running late, is an opportunity you never pass up.

"You look comfortable this morning." He laughs as we get into his car and he backs out.

"What's that supposed to mean? I got ready in like ten minutes." I groan, shuffling through my bag to make sure I have everything.

"Nothing." He laughs again and suddenly I'm second guessing my choice of outfit.

Sure, my hair is a mess and my Easton tshirt and jeans combo isn't the most fashionable but it's just a 9am class. No one ever looks presentable in morning classes. Except Jace, Jace always looks presentable, his hair is always styled in a perfect wave and he owns enough cashmere sweaters to wear one every day of the week.

"So," I ask, to get my mind off the topic, "What are you majoring in again?"

"Advanced aerodynamic engineering." He says plainly.

"That's a mouthful, jesus." I huff, looking back out the window.

"It's just plane stuff, mom wouldn't let me go into the air force, so this is second best thing." He shrugs, turning on his blinker.

I turn my head back to look at his forced smile, another thing that will always be the same. He always wore a fake smile, I never understood how he did it so easily. He always said everything was fine or okay, that's how things were, everything had to be okay.

"Yeah, I know, I'm glad you're sticking to what you love." I say mindlessly, twirling one of my shorter layers of hair around my finger.

"And you," He says a minute later, rupturing the silence, "you're doing what you love too."

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