18 * 100 LETTERS * 18

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As she walks away I call her name, but I know that what I said was wrong. She's acting insane tonight, we were supposed to come here to stop the rumors and she spent the whole time flirting with me. It's only when I saw her face fall when she saw me staring at Ashlyn that I realized she was jealous. All of the sitting on my lap and dancing with me and kissing me, it was all just a show. But what if it wasn't? What if it was for real and I just let her walk away.

I'm surrounded by blank stares from Louis and Sam and other onlookers who witnessed our make out session on the edge of the pool table. My face is actually warm, and I can't tell if I'm embarrassed or if it's the alcohol. Louis is waiting for an explanation, but I can't be bothered to deal with the social aftermath of this right now, I need to get to her. I need to grab her in my arms and press my mouth to hers again and again no matter how messy and ungraceful it is when I do so. I want to tell her everything, how she makes my whole body feel like it's on fire and how nervous I am for the day that she finally leaves when the two weeks of our bet is up.

"Harry, what the hell-" Sam shrieks.

"I can't talk, I've got to find her." I huff, cutting her off as I finally slap myself out of my daze and make my way back to the front of the bar.

I race up to the bartender and despite him being the last person I want to talk to, I bet he saw her run through here.

"Hey, that girl I came here with, did you see her leave?" I ask nervously, snapping at him.

"Yeah, she was crying," He says uninterestedly, "I'm sure you know something about how that happened."

Who is this prick insinuating that I made her cry? Why is she crying anyways? I thought she'd be anything but crying. I thought she'd be soaring on cloud nine like I am.

"Shut up and tell me where she went." I huff.

"Out the front doors, who knows after that."

I barely let him finish his sentence before I'm running to the front doors and shoving my way through them, looking left and right trying to see her in the neon glow outside. She's nowhere to be found. I start running down the sidewalk to the intersection hoping to god that she didn't just start walking again. We're at least five miles from my apartment, where does she think she's gonna go?

I take out my phone to call Miles and for the first time ever I hope I hear her voice in the background. He picks up on the third ring and his voice is whispered, the little bitch is in the library again.

"What do you want?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know where Jess is, I was wondering if she's with you." I say breathlessly, looking up and down the sidewalk as far as I can see.

"No, is she okay? What happened?" He asks worriedly, being a perfectly protective little boyfriend.

"She's fine, don't worry about it." I huff, ending the call and growing more worried by the second.

Sam comes running out of the bar shouting my name and I turn around in surprise to see her exceptionally soberer than she was half an hour ago.

"Harry, she's at our dorm, I just called her," She breathes, slowing down when she gets to me, "She made me promise not to tell you, but I think you two need to talk about what just happened."

I grab her in my arms as the words pour out of her mouth, hugging her. She's like a statue, clearly caught off guard by my actions and even I'm confused by my sudden outburst, but I let her go and hold her by the shoulders.

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