6 * FLAME * 6

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My phone buzzes on the nightstand beside Ashlyn's bed and I pull away from her mouth to lean on my elbow and read through the message flashing on the screen.

"What's going on? Who is it?" She asks, sitting up to read over my shoulder.

"It's a fight, Jefferson Hall, apparently Pedada has been talking mad shit about being able to kick my ass." I laugh, throwing the comforter off myself and getting up from the bed.

"You have to go? Like right now?" She asks quickly, sitting up and holding the sheet to her bare chest.

"Yeah, that's how this works, you know that." I huff, shrugging a tshirt back on and shoving my legs through my jeans.

"What time?" She asks, rolling her eyes.

"Looks like seven," I say, reading back over Ryland's text message, "you don't have to come."

"Well I was hoping we could pick up where we left off." She smiles, wrapping her bony arms around my waist as I put my shoes on.

I don't bother answering her as my phone buzzes again and I check to see a text from Niall too. He says Louis is taking him to Jefferson and I tell him I'll be there as soon as possible. She calls my name and I say a quick goodbye, leaving out the door with my jacket half on my shoulders. I collapse into my car, my eyes darting to look up at her door next to Ashlyn's as I start the car and turn the volume up on the radio; Runaway, Bon Jovi.

I peel out of her parking lot before my mind can get too far gone thinking about her hips. I speed through the yellow lights on my way to Jefferson hall and my phone buzzes in my pocket more times than I can count. Everyone must know about it now, when fights pop up out of the blue they spread like wildfire. I'm sure people are already making bets and ruining friendships as they argue with each other over who's gonna win. Sadly, everyone who bets against me will be going home broke.

I pull into the parking lot of Jefferson hall to see Niall climbing through a window on the east side of the building. I put the car in park and get out quickly, grabbing my duffle bag from the trunk.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask, running to catch up with him.

"Door's locked and Ryland's master key doesn't work because it's one of the original buildings," He explains, shoving his feet through the open window, "but this window was open."

He shimmies his way down until his feet hit the ground inside with a thud. I shake my head as I toss my duffle bag down to him before grabbing the bar just inside the window and swinging myself into the room, landing solid on my feet. I stand up straight and take my bag from him before coming face to face with Louis and Ryland beside him.

"You ready for a good one?" Ryland smiles wickedly, leading us out of the room we fell into.

"Always." I smirk, tossing my bag up onto my shoulder and following him down the hall.

Louis's phone whistles making Niall jump and he takes it out eagerly, the bright flash of the screen nearly blinding all of us in the dark of the building's basement.

"Sorry, it's Sam, she's asking if she can come to the fight," He says nervously, eyeing Ryland for approval, "She says the dorm is freezing, the heat must be out or something."

"Only if she brings that hot roommate of hers," Ryland smirks, "have you guys seen her? Total babe."

It takes me a second to realize he's talking about Jess. How does he know about her? My mind shuffles back to the party the other night and I realize that he probably ran into her there. I can't imagine her walking into this dim lit basement to watch a fight and the more I think about it the more I realize I don't want her to.

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