22 * ROCKET * 22

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I make sure to drop Jess off for class before going back home to meet Ryland to get my duffle. He pulls up in the driveway seconds after I've sat down on the couch. He doesn't bother knocking, instead just walks inside with the duffle over his shoulder. He tosses it on the couch next to me and collapses beside it, his attention turning to the TV in front of him.

I grab the duffle and pull it onto my lap, unzipping it and digging around for the stacks of money I know are hidden in the bottom under everything.

"You fought good last night." He says, punching me in the arm.

"In the second half." I laugh, reaching a hand to my bandaged nose.

"You were a different person after she showed up." He thinks aloud, turning to me but I don't acknowledge him.

"She's just good at snapping me out of shit." I lie, not daring to tell him about how worried I was about her not getting home before the fight started.

He stands from the couch and starts making his way to the door. I jump up and follow him, sorting out the blocks of cash in my hands.

"Hey Ry, how much?" I ask, flipping through a block of rubber-banded twenties.

"Five grand." He smirks.

My head snaps up in shock. He's lying. The smug look on his face confirms it though. That's nearly double my regular average.

"Five grand?" I ask incredulously.

He nods, laughing. I grab all the blocks of cash and stare at them crazily, I'm holding five thousand dollars in my hands.

"When you got your ass kicked in the first half, bets on you dropped by half. It was a good tactic Styles, maybe you should bring the chick around more often."

"What? No way, she's not coming to another fight." I say seriously, dropping the money on the counter.

He shrugs, opening the front door and stepping outside, "We could be making that money every time, think about it."

I close the door in his face, turning back to the kitchen. I stare at the pile of money on the counter. If I was getting five grand at every fight I could pay off all of my student loan debt and even the house in a few years. I could buy her whatever the hell she wanted and more. I could take her out to fancy dinners like Miles and buy her a car that she doesn't have to share with Sam.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see a text from her asking if I'm there to pick her up for work yet. It's like she knew I was thinking about her. I tell her I'll be there in five minutes and take the stacks of cash to Niall's room and hide them in the safe with the rest of them until I can get to the bank.


He pulls up beside the curb and rolls down the window, the sound of The Outfield echoing from inside. I laugh and open the door, falling into the seat beside him and turning the heat dial all the way to the right. When I look at him and see the bandage across his nose, I'm reminded of the night before and my stomach feels sick.

"How was class?" He asks, driving away from the curb.

"Fine, I nearly fell asleep though." I yawn, my head falling back against the seat.

"It was a late night last night." He smirks, looking over to meet my eyes.

I cover my face with my hand, my cheeks blushing bright red I'm sure. I reach over and swat him, and he laughs, pulling onto the main road towards Lexington. I grab my bag and start to look through it to get my clothes, so I can go ahead and change considering how lovely it went last time I waited to change at work.

Impact (H.S. AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now