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I walk in the door, slamming the door open and letting it hit the wall behind it too hard. Louis and Niall appear around the corner in seconds asking what the hell is going on, but I only push past them.

"I'm fucking done with her!" I shout, grabbing the Jim Beam from the cabinet and slamming it on the counter. I take a few sips straight out of the bottle before grabbing a whiskey glass and filling it to the brim.

"Harry-" Niall tries to reason with me.

"No, Niall, I'm serious! I'm fucking done!" I bark, gulping down half of the glass and taking the rest to my bedroom.

His eyes are solemn as he watches me go and I slam my bedroom door behind myself. I hear him and Louis talking about taking the girls somewhere for a bit to let me cool off. When I realize that I want her here, not out with them, I know I've done something wrong.

I've let it go too far. We were supposed to be friends, we weren't supposed to yell at each other, we were supposed to simply be civil. I can't remember a day before annoying her in the bathroom was part of my daily routine. I can't imagine Stats class without her sat beside me, laughing at all of my stupid digs at Mrs. Dante. I'd still be going into work twice a week at most if it weren't for her making it bearable. Somewhere I flew too close to the sun and actually let it happen, she became my best friend. From listening to music in the car to making dinner in my kitchen or watching movies on that ratty ass couch we did it together. Nothing was really mine anymore because anything that mattered enough, I had already shared with her. And yet, she still calls Jace her best friend and hangs out with Luke, leaving me behind because I'm not what she wants.

When she wraps her arms around me the adrenaline in my veins sings. When her eyes meet mine, I can't look away. It's not fair the way she acts like she cares about me but trades me out for the other two every day of the week. I need distance, it's only a few more days but I can't let them go on like this.

I hear the front door open and suddenly the house is flooded with voices. I debate between getting in the bed and pretending I'm asleep and walking into the living room and shouting in her face. I shove off my jeans and climb into the bed, letting out a huff of exhaustion as I close my eyes and the world finally stops rocking like I'm out at sea. I hear Louis's voice first, asking them why they're here and then Jess, talking over him, asking where I am and if I'm okay. She has no idea it's her that's making me insane.

She starts arguing with them when they ask what happened between us and I can hear the tears starting when her voice starts cracking. I should get out there, how is it that I hated her an hour ago and now I want to rescue her from their interrogation?

"Jess, he came in here and slammed half a bottle of Jim Beam, I know something happened!" Louis shouts and finally she's stomping away, her footsteps coming closer to the door.

She opens it carefully and calls my name. I don't dare answer her. She lets out a sigh when she sees that I'm asleep and closes the door behind her. The bed dips beside me and suddenly she's taking my arms and wrapping them around her. Would she still do this if I were awake? I feel her jeans brush up against my legs as she leans her head against my chest and her tears wet through my shirt.

"I'm sorry." She says, and I can't tell if she knows I'm faking or if she's saying it for herself.

I feel my resolve diminishing every second that she's laying in my arms. I fight with myself to hold on to it, gritting my jaw and not allowing myself to lean into her. This isn't what we are, the lines had blurred beyond repair. She's supposed to stuff pillows between us and hate my guts, when did everything change so fast?

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