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He laughs when I look at him with wide eyes and shoves me over, opening the passenger side door and gesturing for me to get in. I do so and once inside I'm surprised. The interior of the car gives away its age, vinyl leather seats and an outdated steering wheel. The radio seems to be from this millennium but everything else is straight out of the 80s.

"You like it?" He asks, gesturing to the console as he climbs in, "it's an 87 mustang."

He starts it up and the rumble of the engine can be felt throughout the entire car. The stereo kicks on immediately, a mellow chorus of guitars echoing from the speakers and he turns it up as he expertly backs out of the garage.

He rolls down his window as we pull up to the first stop sign and hangs his left hand out the window, his cigarette still gripped in his hand. He nods his head along to the song, drumming his free hand against the steering wheel to a perfect synchronized beat.

"Alright, Lawson, I don't do silence, so you better start talking." He huffs, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"What? I mean, what do you want to talk about?" I stutter, sitting back up in the seat and straightening his jacket on my shoulders.

"Anything," He shrugs, "how about music? You know this song?"

I listen for another minute as he reaches to turn up the stereo as if I'll suddenly recognize the completely foreign melody and be able to impress him with my extensive music knowledge. It sounds like a song off any vague 80s movie which is exactly what I pictured Harry listening to thanks to his many Pink Floyd tshirts he wears throughout the week.

"No, I definitely don't know this song."

"Oh, come on, The Police? You don't know them?" He asks curiously, his eyes glancing over to me in shock as if I've done something unforgivable.

"Never even heard of them." I laugh, reaching to turn the music up even louder.

He smirks when he catches me turning it up. I can't help but melt into the melody. It's so easy to nod along and sink into the sounds of the guitars and the smooth vocals. In my mind I picture the climactic scene of an 80s rom com where the girl walks into the high school gym for the prom in the cheesiest, puffy-sleeved dress she could find. Across the gym, the handsome love interest of the movie sees her and is struck in awe and suddenly they're slow dancing and making out.

The song ends and my imaginative 80s movie collapses in my brain, suddenly replaced by roaring guitars in a familiar melody I'm sure I've heard maybe once. Harry looks to me expectantly, silently praying for me to know this one most likely.

"God, Jess, please tell me you know this one." He sighs, his stupid smile taking over his face as he brings his cigarette to his lips.

"It definitely sounds familiar." I say carefully, trying to gauge his reaction.

"It's Guns and Roses, Jess! Sweet Child of Mine! An iconic ballad with one of the best breakdown guitar solos ever!" He shouts, hitting the steering wheel in excitement with every word.

I can't help but laugh at how exasperated he is. It's intoxicating to watch him drumming against the steering wheel and singing along, throwing his head back and scrunching his face to hit the high notes throughout the song. When the guitar solo begins, he pulls to a stop at a red light and air guitars along, biting his bottom lip in concentration. Despite his fingers only moving against the air, they move expertly as if they're actually playing the notes and I can't help but watch in curiosity of where he became so invested and passionate about music.

Impact (H.S. AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now