27 * HAVE FAITH IN ME * 27

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I wake up to Sam jumping on top of me, squealing about it being Halloween. When I look up with squinty eyes to see her face, her makeup is already done with thick black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. Her fishnet tights are bright red beneath her short black dress and I simply can't comprehend how she's ready this early in comparison to her usual daily routine of sleeping in till noon.

"You seem awfully chipper this morning." I groan, sitting up against the headboard behind me with a yawn.

"Of course, it's Halloween!" She shouts, her face grinning giddily and I find myself happy to see her so excited.

"I'm assuming you have some stellar plans for today considering you're already dressed." I laugh, "What are you supposed to be exactly?"

"I'm Harley Quinn silly," She laughs, "And me and Louis are going out for the day, he won't tell me where but I'm sure it will be romantic and amazing."

I nod, smiling with her, admiring the obvious love she displays for the lucky boy apparent in her features. It makes me wonder if I look the same when thinking of a certain pair of green eyes.

"Do you have any plans?" She asks.

"Not really," I shrug, "I have class this morning, I'm meeting Miles for coffee, then I guess I'll have a movie marathon of Young Frankenstein and Bewitched or something."

"You can always come to the party." She suggests, wiggling her eyebrows.

"And be the only person there without a date?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows to mock her.

"You won't be the only one." She complains.

"Sam, it's literally called Cauldrons and Couples, it's a date party and my date is a workaholic." I sigh, dragging myself out of bed and starting to get dressed.

She huffs in frustration as she walks over to the mirror and checks her bright red lipstick one more time before I hear the beeping of Louis's horn outside. She turns to me with sympathetic eyes, but I wave her off.

"Go, have fun," I sigh, "But not too much fun."

She grins, walking out the door and closing it behind her. I feel stupidly clingy as I take out my phone and my fingers itch to text him. All I want is a day like Sam's where he has cute romantic things planned before the date party. I just wanted to dress like Batman and Cat Woman, maybe even win the costume contest.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I jump, checking to see a message from Miles reminding me about coffee. It comes in perfect timing and suddenly I'm snapped back into reality and finish getting dressed. I run a comb through my hair and throw a jacket over my seasonally appropriate orange sweater. I'm shoving my boots on as I walk through the dorm looking for my keys and finally find them in the pocket of his jacket laying across my couch. I walk out the door and down to my car and curse under my breath when I realize I have to scrape the ice off my windshield myself.

I collapse into my car once the road is visible through the windshield and shiver as I start it up. It takes a few tries, the motor clearly not wanting to work due to the freezing temperatures outside. I finally get it started and pull out of the parking lot and to the road, at least ten minutes late for coffee.

"You're late." Miles sing-songs when I finally slide into the booth across from him.

"I know," I huff, shoving the gloves off my hands, "Car trouble, it seems I've gotten a little too used to Harry clearing my windshield off and starting my car ahead of time."

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