The Arrangement_3

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"That was fun." The leggy blonde replied.

This was the second time we have slept together and still I couldn't get her name straight. "Yeah, well ya know, it's about that time." I replied lazily.

She got up and started getting dressed. Wether your a one night stand or a regular hookup nobody stays the night, ever.

"Will you call me tomorrow?" She asked, I could hear the desperation in her voice.

"I told you from the beginning I don't want a relationship."

She turned and smiled.

I never will understand girls, they always treat us like a challenge, like if she'll be the girl to EVER convince me to stop sleeping around and be in a committed relationship.

"Fine, but one day your going to be begging me to stay." She insisted.

I had to give it to her, the girl had ambition, but she couldn't be more wrong. I mean why would I want something I've already had, twice. She's an easy lay, and no guy marries the girl that's an easy fuck.

After she left I personally flushed the used condoms down the toilet and then cleaned the room up. I stripped the sheets and put them in the laundry basket, once the room was back in a clean state I closed the door behind me and headed to my bedroom.

I have my own place in the city, it's two bedrooms and I've never shared my true bed with anyone. I showered and then went to bed, I had to be up early for a conference call with one of my clients in Japan.


"Ma, I'm here!" I yelled as I walked into my mothers house, arms full of groceries. Every Sunday my Mother cooks this huge traditional southern dinner. She starts from sun up and doesn't stop serving everyone and making sure everybody is full until the sun goes down and the dishes are washed.

Now that's a real woman.

She welcomed me with open arms, I kissed her cheeks and then followed her into the kitchen. My kid brother and his little girlfriend were sitting at the table taking peas out of their pods for my mothers dish.

"I got my catfish frying and of course I had to make my baby his favorite." She said as she patted my cheek adoringly.

More people from my family arrived and I was genuinely enjoying myself. I waited until my mother finished with the dishes, she had asked me to stay behind so she could talk with me.

"So what's wrong Ma, why did you want to speak to me alone?" I asked concerned for her.

"Why do you assume something is wrong? I am in good health, daddys doing alright, your brothers a good boy and doing well in school, no I'm just worried about you, all alone in the city."

I chuckled "Ma in fine, I have plenty of friends that come around."

"And when are you going to settle down? I want grand children Dixon."

I refrained from snickering. "Well, you always have Wade to give you grand kids."

"He's only 15, I don't want em from him yet." She replied with plenty of sass.

I sighed heavily as I sat back "so what Ma, you want me to go out and knock up some random girl?" I asked.

"No, I have a girl for you."

What? My mother was apparently losing her mind.

"I'm setting you up with a young lady I know, you will like her."

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

I knew I shouldn't have cussed at my mother, I regretted it the moment it left my lips.

She stood up from the sofa calmly. "Boy you better watch your mouth!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Now" she said looking me dead in the eye. "The truth of the matter is her mother and I were best friends growing up and we even got pregnant at the same time, when we found out what we were having we swore that our kids would get married one day."

"You know people don't do that right, they don't just arrange their kids marriages." I tried to reason with her.

"I'll give you the same arrangement her parents gave her. Find a wife in a month and your off the hook otherwise what have you got to lose, your going on 30, you ain't gettin any younger son."

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