The Arrangement_17

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Sexually explicit Chapter,



I was seriously skeptical before, and I hesitated, I was fixing to back out and just go home but then I talked myself into it.

I wanted to be able to enjoy my wedding and not worrying about how much sex was going to hurt, at least this way I would get a little sample of how pleasurable things could be right?

And there's no doubt that I will marry the guy, eventually.

Plus Dixon is seriously turning me on.

I finally mustered up the courage and nervously grabbed his waistband and he lifted his hips.

It was the first time I had ever seen a real penis in real life. Of course I've seen the toys and I've watched pornos but this was here and now and very much real.

"Can I touch it?" I asked.

Dixon touched my face gently cupping my cheek.

"It's yours, do what you want with it." He said with that smirk I found so sexy.

I nervously let my fingertips run the length of his penis. It was smooth and he was circumcised, I noticed that he also groomed himself so their was only a little pubic hair.

I let my fingers wrap around him, trying to judge his thickness. The length seemed good, then again I was no expert here.

I chanced a glance up at his face as I now had my hand around his shaft, he smirked at me. "Why don't you kiss it." He suggested.

I looked back at his penis and bent down to give it a kiss, I gently let my lips peck the very tip right near the slit.

My cheeks flamed, it felt like such a silly act.

"Why don't you lick it."

I smiled at his antics but got a rush of doubt. But i figured if I'm going to try I may as well give it my all. I remembered everything I had seen in porn, I also remembered what that woman at the party so many years ago said. 'The head is the most sensitive."

I let my tongue swirl around the cusp before I brought my lips around it as well. The entire head of his penis was now in my mouth, for a second my mind went blank and the urge to spit the thing out ran through my head.

But I saw his face, it was new.

Dixon's eyes were closed and he was biting his his lower lip to keep himself quiet.

I removed my mouth and watched as my saliva ran down the length of his shaft unevenly.

I remembered this part well, the OCD in me wanted to coat the shaft completely with my saliva so I took my hand and went through the motions the woman had showed us.

I liked that with every stroke I was making Dixon moan and squirm.

I wanted to make him say my name, I wanted him to acknowledge that I was the one making him feel this good, so with two hands on his shaft I sucked and lubricated with my mouth, while I rotated and stroked with my hands.

"Fuck..." He moaned "babe, stop."

I continued, he had to say my name, I needed to hear it, i had to prove to myself that I wasn't just another nameless slut to him.

"Fuck, fuck, Lila Stop!"

I removed my mouth and hands and he sat up, he went into the restroom to finish off and I wiped the saliva from hands on his sheet.

My mouth was hot, my lips felt swollen and my jaw was starting to ache a little now that it wasn't in motion. I laid down and covered up with the blanket, I was worried that I hadn't done it right and I hated being told I was doing something wrong.

He opened the restroom door and walked back into the bed. "You ok?" He asked as he kissed my cheek.

"Just worried I didn't do it right." I admitted.

"Babe you did everything right, trust me. I would have told you to do something else if you hadn't done it right. Plus I almost came in your mouth, another indication you were doing it right."

"I liked watching you." I confessed.

"What?" He asked a little humored.

"Yeah, you just seemed to lose yourself, I liked the fact that I did that to you."

He kissed my lips, and then climbed on top of me. We kissed some more and his lips left mine.

His kisses were amazing and they always made lose my head, I get drunk off his kisses.

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