The Arrangement_25

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We got to my apartment and I offered to get a room at a hotel.

"No I won't turn you out of your own apartment." She said a little too sweetly. Then she turned her back to me, "would you mind, I can't undo my dress."

I untied the laced ribbon that cinched in her already tiny waist.

"Thank you, you can sleep in the extra bedroom or the sofa."

I knew she was being too nice.

I knew better than to argue, it would only cause us to fight and I was in no mood to fight.

She made her way to my room and slammed to bedroom door shut before I heard her lock it.

I sighed and let my body fall onto the sofa. I pinched the bridge I my nose, what in the hell did I just get myself into.

I had nodded off, but the fact that my sofa wasn't the most comfortable piece of furniture meant I couldn't fall into a deep sleep.

I was awake when I heard her alarm go off.

I got up and started the coffee machine then went into the spare bedroom and found an old pair of clean jeans and a t-shirt.

Half an hour later she emerged from the room.

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning." She replied softly.

I handed her a mug of coffee and she fixed it to the way she liked it.

She drank her coffee in silence "aren't you having any?"

I shook my head and yawned, "I didn't get much sleep so I'm gonna grab a nap when I get back."

She sighed "you don't have to go with me to the airport."

I shrugged "I want to."

She finished her coffee and I grabbed her bags then I drove us over there.

"You should at least invite one of your friends, I wouldn't worry as much." I admitted.

"I did," she confessed as we waited for her plane to board. "I left the extra ticket up front for Elise."

I felt better knowing her bestfriend was going, and even though I had cheated I didn't want her talking to anyone else.

"Does she know?" I asked.

"Only David knows and I want it to stay that way." She said flatly.

Her plane number lit up on the board and we walked to the proper gate.

"I'll see you when I get back." She mumbled.

I grabbed her arm and made her stop.

"I know you hate me and I deserve every bit of it. I hate myself for doing that to you and hate myself even more for causing you pain, I'm embarrassed that I was caught and yes I wish I had never done it. I know our relationship is unconventional and now so is our marriage and I can't even express how sorry I am for all of it." I confessed.

"I'm not trying to ask you to forgive me because I know that's probably impossible, but I am asking you think about us starting over when you get back."

I pulled her into a hug and surprisingly she hugged me back. We stood there holding each other for a while, I kissed her hair and last call was called over head.

"Come on you two, kiss goodbye because we gotta go."

It was Elise, she had arrived just in the nick of time.

She tiptoed and I leaned down and our lips came together, I tried my hardest to make it count but Elise began to pull her arm and soon enough she was handing her ticket to the woman.

"Call me when you get there." I yelled.

She turned around, smiled, and waved.

Did we just have a moment?

I drove home wondering about that last little smile she gave me.

When I got back to the apartment I walked into my room and sat in the chair right by door, there on the bed was her wedding dress. The same wedding dress I helped untie.

Had things gone differently I wouldn't have just untied it, I would've helped her take it off, and I would have taken my brides virginity.

With another sigh I got up and grabbed a hanger, inside of the dress were two straps so I hung her dress in my closet.

I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt then laid down in bed as I tried to clear my head of Lila and get some sleep.

But the minute my head touched my pillow I inhaled her floral perfume, I rolled onto my back and put my hands over my eyes as I groaned in frustration.

I fucked up, and only time will tell if Lila would ever forgive me.

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