The Arrangement_40

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"Hey" David said happily as he reached the restaurant and joined us.

"We're still waiting on Elise." Lila admitted.

"No, I'm here." Elise smiled as she walked up to the table, she hugged all of us. "I'm here."

"Cool, so guys, Cabo, my birthday." David announced.

"Dude we're not high schoolers on spring break anymore." I said with a slight chuckle.

"I don't care," he replied "look; cheap beer, beautiful beaches, and women in bikinis. That's all this guy needs for a good b-day."

I shook my head at my best friend.

"You down bro?" He asked.

"You should go baby, it'll be fun." Lila tried to assure me.

"Yeah, and you two are coming too." David said as he pointed to both Lila and Elise.

"You know I've never been to Mexico." Elise admitted.

I sighed, "fine, we'll go." Lila smiled up at me, I was glad she was excited to go.

When David's birthday rolled around we all boarded the plane and took off to Mexico.

The first night wasn't so bad, after we all checked into our rooms we went out and had a nice meal at a more upscale restaurant and then we went out dancing.

"My feet are killing me." Lila complained the next morning as she got out of the bed.

"We'll make it a beach day." I smiled at her.

She crawled back into the bed and straddled me, "or we could stay in bed all day."

"What about Elise and David?" I asked.

"We can meet them for dinner."

"I think I've created a sex monster." I teased as I pulled her down and began kissing her.

. . . . .


The Cabo trip was better than I had expected, it had been too long since I had been in a beach. And while I felt crappy about leaving my best friend alone with David I was glad that Dixon and I had some alone time to have a little fun.

I was honestly sad as I boarded the plane to go home. Truth be told, while in Mexico I pretended that Dixon and I were newlyweds on a honeymoon.

So carefree and loving, we had both lost ourselves in Cabo and also found ourselves.

But as I sat here on the plane realization that Dixon and I were going back home sank in, and we still didn't quite know where we stood in our relationship.

We hugged our friends bye when we got to the airport back in Texas and we all went on our way.

"What's wrong babe?" Dixon asked as he unlocked our house door.

"Nothing." I lied.

"You've been quiet the whole way back, I know something's bugging you." He said as we walked in. He put our luggage to the side in the foyer and grabbed my hand "now no more hiding things, whats on your mind?"

"It's just, I don't know what we are, in out relationship, like, what's our title?" I struggled to get out.

"Lila you're my wife."

I shook my head no "but I'm not." I said sadly.

"We got married in front of our family and friends and promised ourselves to each other, if that doesn't make us married I don't know what does."

I sighed, "legal documentation, like a marriage license."

"Paper, you want a piece of paper to prove we're married, fine." He said as he ran upstairs.

I was completely taken a back by his actions, I didn't know what he could possibly find in our bedroom that would prove we're married.

I was just about to go up the stairs and see what he was up to when he came rushing back down the stairs with a large Manilla envelope tucked under his arm. "Come on."

He said as he grabbed my hand and his keys and we left.

"Dixon where are we going?" I asked, but he didn't respond. "We didn't even lock the door."

He sighed "I don't care."

When we reached downtown my heart began to race a little, but as I saw the city hall building my heart wanted to beat right out of my chest.

Dixon cut the engine and unbuckled his seat belt, but instead of getting out of the car he turned and looked at me.

"I love you babe." He said softly.

I couldn't help but smile "I love you too baby."

"Do you?" He asked.

"Of course."

"Then marry me, again." He replied "let's get this paper work out of the way so you can put your mind at ease. Lila I love you and if I had to I would marry you every single day."

"But, wh-what about a wedding and our family?" I hesitated.

"Babe we had a wedding, and no offense or anything but that didn't work out so well." Dixon said, "we did everything everyone wanted us to do, why don't we do something we want to do for a change."

His words hit home, probably because they were the truth.

I had dated Dixon because my mom wanted me to, I had a wedding and got married to him because it was what our parents wanted us to do, I moved back in with him because it was what he wanted me to do.

But I fell in love with him because it was what my heart wanted to do.

"Alright." I smiled, "lets do this."

And there, with all the proper documentations and a small fee, we stood in front of a county clerk, and signed a piece of paper.

No Negotiations, and definitely No Arrangements.

~the end~


I want to thank all of you who read this story. It was a fun little book on what happens when we stop listening to everyone around us and start listening to ourselves. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, but I do have to say that there will NOT be a sequel or a spin off, this is my first "Stand Alone" book. Once again, thank you.


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