The Arrangement_10

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Dixon had my hand laced with his as we went upstairs.

We walked down the hall and entered into a well made room.

I smiled as i figured out we were now in his childhood room.

Unlike myself, Dixon no longer lived at home but his mother had preserved his room the way he had left it.

Dixon let go of my hand and laid on the small twin sized bed.

"I'm so full." He groaned. I walked around the room, he had trophies and team pictures, an old video game system was still plugged into a bulbous television that sat in the floor. "Come here."

I looked back at him and he had that lazy smirk on his face that I was growing so use to.

I made my way over and sat on the edge of the bed.

He pushed my hair behind my ear and stroked my face. "Lay down with me."

I complied, the bed was small so of course I had to lay a little on him.

"You comfortable?" He asked.


"So, i'm sorry about the whole girlfriend thing earlier." He said, so he wasn't as ready to move forward either. "It's just, I like where we are right now I don't want things to get ruined by titles. Lets just have fun and figure things out as we go."

"I can handle that." I agreed.

"But, since its already been said, I don't think i'll have a problem calling you my girlfriend, I mean it's just a word right?"

I don't know if he was trying to persuade me or himself.

"I understand what your saying, it's just this is moving really fast."

"I agree," he said "so we just refer to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend to everyone else, but we don't have to act like we're in a relationship."

Relationship, the word alone made me jittery. I nodded my head just so he wouldn't say the word again.

We stayed quiet, just laying there for a while, and then he kissed my forehead, I liked how his sweet kiss made me smile, then I realized Dixon and I have never kissed.

While something did seem to be moving fast, the fun stuff was moving extremely slow.

I lifted my head and locked eyes with him, I looked down at his mouth and just leaned forward.

It started off slow but built up quickly.

Legs intertwined, hands roamed freely, lips left mouths and then I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked panting.

"I can't."

"Why?" He asked confused, then he smiled. "Is it because we're in my parents house?"

"Because I'm a virgin."

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