The Arrangement_16

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So we finally had the talk and luckily Lila was willing to agree to the marriage like I had.

"May I ask where you were tonight looking so insatiable?" I asked as I stood up and placed my hands on her hips.

A slow smile stretched across her face.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"Good, I hate cats." I replied.

She giggled then admitted to being out with her girlfriends.

"You should know" I said as she walked into my bedroom "that nobody has ever been in my room before."

A sexy smile planted itself on her face.

"Well, I am honored to be your first."

"Can I be your first?" I asked low as I grabbed her from behind. I kissed her neck softly and I could hear the small moan that escaped her mouth.

"Yes you can." She said in a seductive bedroom voice.

I unzipped her long zipper and the thin red dress fell to the floor. I kissed her neck and shoulders from behind, her head fell back and her light gasps and moans had me hard as hell.

But just I began to let my hand wonder along her silky skin she stepped out of the pile of red on the floor and walked over to my bed.

"Not tonight." She said as she took her heels off carefully and then got under my blankets. "Can you pick up my dress, I don't want it to wrinkle."

I was baffled, I bent down, picked up the dress and draped it on the back of my chair.

"But you said I could be your first." I said trying to understand her.

"And you will be, once we're married."

I decided I would have to take it old school with Lila, like I use to do back in highschool.

I got to the bed and stripped my clothes with the exception of my boxer briefs. I smirked as I saw her eye rape me, so, Lila's into me.

I got into the bed and kissed her. Our kiss grew heavy just like it had before. I moved away from her lips and started to work my way down to her chest, and then she stopped me.

"Dixon, I'm sorry but I cant."

"Babe your not losing your virginity, I swear."

She looked at me skeptically.

"Ok how do you lose your virginity?" I asked to prove my point.

"When a penis is inserted into the vaginal opening and breaks through the virginal barrier." She spouted off with a roll of her eyes.

"You see, now what if we just did oral?"

"I don't know." She tried to protest.

"It basically what we're already doing, only you know, we get naked and we kiss, lick, and suck more intimate body parts." I said low once more.

"B-but I don't know how." She said shyly.

"You've never experimented with anything?" I asked.

She looked away and I touched her face, making her look back at me.

"Don't ever be ashamed of anything you do, you can be honest with me." I said with complete sincerity, I kissed her forehead to reassure her.

She sighed deeply then admitted to trying it. "It was once at a 'Tupperware' party."

"You gave a blowjob while you purchased bowls?" I asked a little shocked.

She laughed and shook her head, "it's code, basically it's a sex toy party and well there was this lady who specializes in teaching how to perform oral sex."

"Really there's nothing to it babe, just don't use teeth and pretty much anything goes." I confessed. "Do you think you could try it?" I asked.

She bit her bottom lip.

"If you don't like it you can stop." I put in

it seemed like forever as she mailed over her decision but she ultimately agreed.

"First." She said "do you have anything."

I admired her honesty, so I was going to be honest to.

"I swear I use a condom everytime I've had sex and I am 100 percent clean, I get tested every three months just to be on the safe side."

"When was your last test?" She asked.

"A month ago, just before I met you." I admitted, she seemed to understand but to help ease her into this I grabbed a condom. "Are you ready?" I asked.

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