The Arrangement_37

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"Run this by one more time." David asked still slightly confused.

I sighed. "I have to get Lila to admit to herself that she still has feelings for me." I filled him in once more "and the only way I can do that is by making her jealous. She has to see me with another girl, she has to think that I'm giving up on us."

"So it's kinda like reverse psychology." David put in with a smirk.

"Kinda, only this could backfire and end horribly." I admitted with a slight worry.

. . . . .

Since the night that Lila agreed to move back into our house I had made it a point to go out at night, every night. Making sure that I always returned home once I knew she would be asleep, to make it seem like I was out late.

Occasionally I would go and visit with my father or my mother but for the most part I would end up at my best friends house playing video games and watching entire seasons of old television shows on Netflix.

I wanted to give off the illusion that I hadn't been stuck at home pining over her in her absence, like after she left life just sort of went on without her.

I could tell it was bugging her to watch me leave without so much as a hint as to where I was going every evening.

But not once did she cave and demand to know where I was going.

Had she become angry with me for going out all the time, I would have known that somewhere deep down she still cared enough about me to wonder about my whereabouts. But night after night she just silently watched me go.

I was close to giving up but I've never been a quitter, that night after our therapy session As I pulled my car out of the parking garage I called Lila's best friend and poured out my heart and soul to her, I told her all of my inner most feelings towards Lila and then asked if she would help me get her back.

Our conversation was brief but the plan seemed solid, and considering I had been leaving every night helped with our plan greatly.


The doorbell rang and I sighed loudly.

I closed my book and looked at the clock before lazily dragging myself out of bed. 11PM, whoever was at my door had better have a good excuse for coming over so late.

As I stomped down my stairs the doorbell rang again and then bouts of knocking followed.

"I'm Coming!" I shouted.

As I reached the door I could hear distinct giggles. I opened it only to come face to fade with two of my good friends.

"Lila! Oh good God what are you wearing?" Ronnie asked with feign horror.

"Pajamas." I defended as I closed my robe "I was already in bed."

"They're so ratty." She replied.

"Are you gonna let us in or what?" Elise cut her off.

I stepped to the side and let them both in. "What brings you two by at this time of night?"

"What the hell, are you some sort of grandma now?" Ronnie remarked,"it's barely eleven."

Barely? And to think not even Twenty minutes ago I was scolding myself for reading another chapter and staying up late.

"Anyways." Elise began, "we've come to kidnap you."

"Oh no guys, I really don't feel up to it." I began to protest.

"No, we're not letting you get out of this!" Elise said with finality, "Ronnie hasn't seen you in a month Lila, a freaking Month, and you and I haven't spent any time together since you were staying with me."

I felt horrible.

"Now go upstairs and get cute because were going out."

I didn't bother arguing. Elise was right, I hadn't spent any quality time with my friends. It took me close to thirty minutes to get fully ready and walk out of the house.

"Guys we can't come here." I sighed from the back seat.

To ensure that I didn't bail on "Girls Night Out" Ronnie volunteered to be the Designated Driver so we took her car. Right now I was regretting the decision as we were pulling up to the valet station just outside of the club, the same club Dixon notoriously used to call his "stompin ground" where he would pick up random girls before he met me.

"We're already here." Elise countered.

"Yeah, plus I happen to like this club better than all the others in town." Ronnie added.

I knew I was stuck. Ronnie was driving so I had to go where she went or I would have to hail a cab and risk upsetting my friends further. I bit down on my back teeth and got out of the car.

I followed the two of them past the bouncer and into the club.

The heat from the packed club mixed with the scent of alcohol and loud music was making me wish I had ignored answering the door tonight.

"I'm gonna find a table." I yelled.

"Ok we're gonna dance." Ronnie yelled back.

I nodded and then took off away from the VIP section. I knew if Dixon was here, he would definitely be at his usual table in the VIP section.

As I walked through the crowd I saw a familiar face.


He turned and faced me, just my luck, I would say his name as the song was ending so he heard me perfectly. Another song started up and David walked up to me.

"Lila..." He said a little unsure as he looked at me and then his eyes moved around "what, uh, what brings you out here?"

He seemed to be nervous or anxious as his normally friendly demeanor was gone and he fumbled with his hands while his eyes shifted this way and that. So I'm guessing Dixon IS here, had this been the place he would go every night? I should have known.

"GIRLS NIGHT OUT." I shouted over the music.

He nodded his head. "Cool. Uh, well let me buy you a drink." He yelled.

I nodded and noticed he seemed to be looking in one particular direction behind me.

He held his hand out and put it on my shoulder as he walked me to the bar, but curiosity got the better of me and I turned my head to see what he had been looking at behind me.

"Lila, that's not what it looks like." David shouted as he tried to get me to look away from Dixon and the pretty brunette he was talking to at the other bar.

"It looks like Dixon is flirting with a skank." I screamed. David backed off and I turned on my heel as my emotions got the better of me.

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