The Arrangement_9

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The word had left my mouth before my mind could even register what I was saying.

I don't have girlfriends, never have, while I have to admit that this thing with Lila is different I'm not exactly boyfriend material.

But what's done is done, I would have to talk about this later with Lila. Right now my mother was too busy hugging her do death.

Lila held onto my hand tightly as we followed my mom into the dining room.

The dining room table erupted even louder at the sight of us. A few of my cousins poked fun at my being "whipped" since I was following Lila around. I didn't miss some of the looks a couple of my female cousins gave her, they were judgmental but I knew they meant well.

Ultimately everyone was cordial and once my mother announced that the food was done we all got up to serve ourselves since my mom had set up her large assortment of food buffet style today.

I skipped some dishes and Lila took note.

"No Mac and Cheese?" She asked as she spooned some into her own plate.

"I don't like it." I admitted.

"You can't just not like it," she said a little humored, "that's just, non American."

I smiled at her, I could tell she was teasing me. She was becoming more comfortable around my family and I was glad.

"Nope don't like Mac-n-cheese, corn, or eggs."

"So what if I wanted to make you breakfast one morning?" She asked cheekily.

I smirked at her words.

Her comment had implied that she would be seeing me first thing one morning, the only way that would be possible is if she spent the night.

Now I might have called her my girlfriend but no one has EVER spent the night at my place, and that was something I wasn't planning on changing just yet.

"I don't usually eat breakfast, but I guess I like the normal stuff. French toast or pancakes, bacon, sausage." I admitted.

As we ate, everyone talked and just enjoyed themselves. Soon members of my family started leaving.

I took Lila upstairs to my old bedroom, it was time we talked about a few things.

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