The Arrangement_20

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Another month passed in Dixon and I's ever evolving journey to the alter.

While Our mothers were both happy to see our relationship growing it was moving too slow for them.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Dixon's father Duke. Duke is a retired marine who after many years of working the oil fields finally retired only to suffer a stroke at home where he fell and caused injury to his head.

From what Dixon tells me, somedays he'll wake up with perfect memory but some times he'll go to sleep for the night and wake up confused with no recollection of his adult life at all.

I felt horrible, every time Dixon and I would go I knew it was draining on Dixon to see his once strong father struggle to much.

I had finally balanced out my emotions for this guy, and then we got a call none of us wanted to hear.

"What did the doctor say?" Dixon asked angrily. I held onto his hand to try an calm him down some.

His mother with her tear stained cheeks sat down in a chair. 'They haven't told us anything so far, just that we need to get the family together."

Just then two doctors approached us along with a young male nurse. This didn't look good.

"Mr Loveless has experienced a seizure in his sleep, normally this wouldn't be as bad as it is but given his current situation it is very concerning." One if the doctors said.

"We believe that his body is beginning to shutdown."

"Believe?" Dixon asked sharply.

"He's being prepped for an MRI as we speak, once we get the results back we will know better if there has been any damage to any major body parts. Like the spine and we will also see if he is developing any tumors that may be causing this to happen." The other doctor answered honestly.

"But we must advise you, with a man of his age the results may not be so good, we suggest you start making the proper Arrangements should things take a turn for the worst."

"Can we see him" Dixon's mother asked.

"He's in the lab awaiting an MRI we will allow one person to sit with him afterward."

We silently agreed that it would be Dixon's mother that should stay with him.

As we walked to the car Dixon turned and faced me.

"Marry Me."

"What?" I asked a little taken back.

"Come on Lila, we both know where this relationship is going, and I know this is far from the proposal you wanted but it's just with the way my dads health is turning from bad to worse I'm not sure he'll be around for much longer. And I know it sounds stupid and he won't even remember it, but I want him to see me getting married."

His words were so sad to hear and he was right, maybe that's why I agreed to his impromptu proposal.

After I said yes Dixon took me to a jewelry store.

"I'm pretty sure your suppose to pick one." I sounded a little flushed at the sight of all the glittering rings.

"Well I figured since your going to be wearing it, it may as well be something you like." He said, I lifted a ring to see its price tag but he stopped me, "don't worry about the cost just pick one."

"Some of these are really expensive Dixon." I whispered so the sales women wouldn't hear.

"Then I'll take out a loan or sell a kidney now pick one." He answered back.

With one last look at him I turned and gave my full attention to the rings. they were beautiful without a doubt, but as my eyes passed the different rows of rings I was beginning to get a slight headache. Just when I thought I was going to have to pick anything my eyes came across one ring in particular, it was thin and dainty with a good sized diamond right in the center.

"Oh I think the bride to be has found one." the sales woman acknowledged happily.

"Which one do you like Lila?" Dixon asked as he stepped closer to my side and placed his hand on my lower back.

"Um, well I was looking at this one."

"Would you like to try it on?" She asked and I nodded my head yes. she removed the ring and handed it to Dixon.

He took the ring and we turned and faced each other. He grabbed my left hand gently and smoothly slid the ring on its proper finger. He smiled at me when the ring for perfectly and I smiled at him. "It goes well with you." He said to me then looked at the woman. "We'll take this one."

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