The Arrangement_6

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"Hello," I said a I held my hand out to him. "I'm Lila Schwartz."

He had a serious look on his sharp face. His suit was tailored to perfection as was his dark hair combed into place. He has a slight stubble giving him that manly 5 o'clock shadow. He was significantly taller than me, and with the suit it was hard to tell if he was athletic skinny, muscular skinny, or just plain lanky with no definition.

When he shook my hand his handshake was firm yet gentle and his serious brow seemed to ease away as a little side smirk lifted his left cheek.

"I'm Dixon Loveless."

I wasn't sure what I expected his voice to sound like, but the deep velvety sound that came out was a welcomed surprise.

He pulled my chair out for me before sitting back down.

"I took the privilege of ordering a bottle of wine." He admitted, the same smirk once again on his face. "I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, that's perfectly fine." I admitted. "But can I say that the is just really weird for me."

He chuckled.

"Right?" He agreed. "I mean I know my mom is pushy but, I don't know. You can leave if you'd like." He said politely.

"Well I'm already here" I said with my own smile, I immediately felt ten times more comfortable knowing I wasn't the only one who's mother had made them go out with a complete stranger. "Plus we'd never get them to stop if they found out the date didn't go well."

"That's true, well how about we get to know a little about each other." He offered.

We ordered dinner and spoke.

Even though this was a blind date there was never an awkward or tense silence, Dixon was an open book telling me about the school he went to, work, his friends and his family.

"Yeah, she's a spitfire." He said lovingly amused with his mother and her "antics."

"And what of your father?" I asked caught up in the conversation.

The check had come while we were finishing up our coffee.

"My dad is my hero." He said proudly. "He's the best."

I could tell he wasn't telling me something. This whole evening he had a smirk on his face and was boisterously willing to talk about anything and everything. But now he quieted down and was keeping his response clipped and positive.

Not wanting to ruin the good time we were having I changed the subject.

At the end of the date he got my coat and purse, he opened all the doors for me, he paid the valet and asked to see me again to which I gladly agreed.

I hate to admit it, but I think my Mom was right by setting me up with Dixon.

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