The Arrangments_5

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As angry as I was with my mother I knew she meant well, and with my father being sick I know she worried about me.

I went about my life as usual, my main focus was work and then my boys. I didn't tell a soul what my mother was up to, I actually hardly thought about it. But then ever so often I would think about this "young lady" my mother thought was so suitable.

While I met different women every day I never thought about the prospect of marry any of them, actually with that little tid bit laying in the back of my mind it made me dissect these women in a way I never would have before.

I noticed a woman's attitude, her eagerness to have sex, her lack of ambition, laziness, intelligence or lack thereof.

I used to see a pretty face and a decent body and then we'd find ourselves back at my place.

But as the next month rolled in I couldn't avoid my mothers calls and she had instructed me to go on a date with the girl.

"Her name is Lilliana, but everyone calls her Lila." My Mom said.

I gave her a place, date, and time so she could relay it back to the girls mother.

As I hung up I realized I knew nothing about this girl other than her first name. Lilliana is a cute name Lila is more mature, more seductive, I wonder what she looks like.


The valet guy opened my car door, I got out and he handed me my ticket.

With knots in my stomach I thanked him then stepped onto the sidewalk.

I nervously smoothed out my dress to make sure I looked alright, I had decided on the universal little black dress for the date, I left my hair down and opted for little to no makeup. If this guy was hit or not he would have to decide to like me for me.

The dress showed off my figure in a non slutty way and I wondered if it would be too conservative for this guy, I didn't want him to think I was a prude.

As I walked into the hotel I sighed, no turning back now.

I checked my coat and purse at the coat check then walked away, as I reached the hosts podium I gave him my dates first name, it was all My mother told me only minutes before i left along with the address.

He smiled and nodded his head, "this way Ma'am."

I walked directly behind the tall husky man as he led me to the table.

Once we reached the table I heard a chair scrape slightly across the floor and I walked around the man toward the table, and then I saw him.


He was handsome.

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