The Arrangement_7

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A few weeks had gone by since I first met Lila and shockingly I had spent every Friday and Saturday with her.

Lila is so different from any other girl I had ever tried to pursue, for one she is smart so I like having conversations with her.

Another thing is she isn't trying too hard or throwing herself at me, the fact of the matter is I've barely even held her hand.

She's very devoted to her family, her friends, and her cultures.

And lastly, she's gorgeous.

The dark mysterious beauty had a way of making me want to be around her, her chocolate brown eyes always seemed to pull me in, so much so that I had invited her to come with me to the Sunday Family dinner at my Moms house.

I pulled up to her house, having been here a couple times already, I got off the car and knocked. Her father answered the door, we didn't get to talk long as Lila was already coming down the stairs.

She was in jeans and a loose blouse and she seemed just as sexy as if she were wearing heels and a dress.

As we drove to my Mothers I grabbed her hand to help calm her nerves.

"What if your family doesn't like me?" She asked softly.

I chuckled. "I'm sure my mother will love you, I mean she did set me up with you."

She rolled her eyes but smiled, she like me, hated to admitted that our mothers were right.

I pulled up to the house and unbuckled. I opened her door and helped her out of the car.

"Relax." I whispered.

"Don't leave me alone." She pleaded, I stopped walking and looked into scared eyes.

They were normally proud and strong but now she seemed so innocent and frightened.


"Hey." He said as he dropped my hand, he now held my face gently between both Of his hands. "Nobody in my family's opinion of you matters to me." He said seriously. His eyebrows furrowed as he searched my eyes for something.

I gave him a small smile and nodded, I was a huge ball of nerves. He was the closest thing I had to a boyfriend so of course I wanted his family to like me.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

The small sweet gesture made me smile.

"You ready?" He asked.

I grabbed his hand "yes" and then we walked in.

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