The Arrangement_39

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In the days that passed Dixon and I had seemed to pick up right were we left off, as if nothing had ever happened.

The night after the whole club incident Dixon and I went back home where we both spent the night in our master bedroom, although not very much sleep was had.

Dixon moved all of his stuff back into our room and he no longer went out every night.

He later confessed what he was actually doing and also outed himself for setting up the entire nightclub charade, surprisingly I was glad he had done it.

He knew me more than I expected him to, Dixon knew that I was too stubborn to fix our relationship even though I wanted to, so he took it into his own hands and found a way, all be it an over the top and sort of Jack ass way, but a way none the less.

And our relationship couldn't be mended at a more delicate time.

Because two weeks later Dixon's father passed away.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Mr and Mrs Loveless." A nameless member of the mourning party said to Dixon and I.

He wasn't the first person to call me as such, and I didn't exactly help things since I still wear my wedding ring.

Then I wondered, does Dixon still wear his ring, it was something I had failed to notice. I looked down a little and saw his silver wedding band.

"Are you alright?" He asked me when he caught me looking at him.

"Just worried for you." I admitted as I grabbed his left hand and let our fingers lace together perfectly.

"I'll be fine." He said flatly.

"You always say that." I whispered.

"And I always am." He said as he looked straight into my eyes and then kissed my forehead, I knew the topic was closed for discussion.

In truth I really was worried for him, Dixon looked up to his father and they had an amazing father/son relationship.

"Lila dear would you mind helping me in the kitchen a minute?" My mother asked.

"Will you be okay?" I asked Dixon, my words full of concern.

"Go." He said. when I didn't get up he forced a smile, "i'll be fine, i'll just go find my brother or something."

I nodded and got up, I didn't like leaving Dixon's side knowing he's in such a delicate state. "Alright, call me if you need me." I instructed as I leaned down an kissed him.

I followed my mom and did as I was instructed.

People talked to me but I hardly paid any attention as my main focus was getting back to Dixon.

"You won't believe how many people make casseroles for funerals." I said as I finally found Dixon once again. "How you holding up?"

I looked at him, the always proud Dixon was slouching on his childhood bed.

The sight broke my heart.

Then he shook his head, "I don't know Lila." His words a little choked up.

I sat down next to him and he broke down. I held him in my arms as he bawled for his father, my own tears silently falling down my cheeks as I watched this strong man crumble to pieces.

"I'm sorry." Dixon apologized after he had calmed down.

"You have nothing to be sorry for baby."

He offered me a smile. "You wanna get out of here?"

. . . . .


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