The Arrangement_15

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As the cab drove through the city I was so worried, I silently found myself hoping that he was alright.

We pulled up to the grand building and I paid the driver. The doorman opened the door for me and then let me into the building as well.

"May I help you?" A woman asked.

"Yes I'm going up to see someone."

"Are you on their guest list?" She asked snootily as she examine me from head to toe.

I felt cheap all of a sudden.

My red cocktail dress was practically painted on the material was so thin, the neck line was low showing off an ample amount of cleavage and the hemline was just a little too high. My nude heels only added to my exposed legs making them appear longer than they were. The lady probably though I was a prostitute.

I pulled out my phone and called Dixon.

"I'm stuck in the lobby." I said as soon as he answered.

He hung up without saying anything. A few minutes later he walked out of the elevator, he eyed me similarly to the way the woman behind the front desk had. I didn't fail to notice he had his serious face on.

He grabbed my hand and began walking me away from the lobby.

"Mr Loveless your guest needs to be added to your visitors list. All I need is her name and relation to you."

"Lilliana Schwartz, and she's my fiancée."

I remained silent, I had seen how his eyes seemed more blue, giving them the appearance that they were darker than usual, I could also feel that something was wrong when he didn't greet me with his usual side smirk.

We got on the elevator and neither one of us spoke, we got off on the eighth floor and he walked ahead of me as he went to his apartment door.

"For future references I keep a spare key under my neighbors flowerpot."

I spotted the flowerpot he spoke of and nodded then he let me in.

His apartment was a typical bachelor pad, only a little more stylish. While he only had a sofa and a television in his living room it was a very expensive looking sofa and a huge television that nearly took up the entire back wall.

His kitchen looked brand new and it probably was considering he probably never cooks.

He leaned on his sofa and just looked at me.

I gave him a small smile and walked over to him. The way he slouched on the armrest of the sofa made him just a little shorter than me, so when I got close enough to him he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face into my neck.

This was new, in a way it was very intimate.

I hugged him to me, one hand gently stroking the back of his hair.

"My dad's sick." He said a little horse. "He has been for awhile now but it's getting worse."

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, he's starting to lose his memory, somedays he doesn't even know who I am." He admitted.

It was so sad. I didn't know what to say, I'm sure he's heard it all already.

"I don't want to lose my dad." He said getting a little choked up.

I hugged him again and he hugged me back tightly, like I was his lifeline and he was afraid to let go.

"We'll do everything to make his time with his memory the best." I said.

"He wants to see me married and he wants grand kids. Can you do that?"

"I thought we already were doing that. I mean isn't that what we've been doing this whole time, dating to eventually get in a relationship and then get married in this arranged marriage our mothers step up?"

I had clearly taken him by surprise. "You knew?"

"If course I did."

He ran his hands threw his hair. "And your alright with it?" He finally asked.

I sighed an stepped back. "I don't have a choice."

"Of course you do, everyone has a choice in their own life."

"No." I said flatly. "You don't understand, my older brother died when I was younger, I'm the only kid my parents have left, I can't disappoint them."

He nodded, he seemed to understand.

"So where do we go from here?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well unless your opposed to it, I think we're getting married." I said.

"I don't mind, your the first girl I wouldn't mind actually marrying." He said finally giving me that side smirk.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I teased. "And don't think just because we've both agreed to this that you don't have to propose."

"You want me to propose to you?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, I want it all." I filled him in. "A proposal, the ring, a huge wedding, and romance."

"So it begins." He quipped.

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