The Arrangement_27

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Half a month had passed and things seems to be back to normal with Lila, tonight she was even going to let me move into the master bedroom.

I flew threw work actually anxious to get home.

When I walked into my house I smelt the warm aroma of something baking.

When I walked into the kitchen I wrapped my arms around my wife's waist and kissed the back of her neck.

She giggled but it quickly turned into a seductive moan. I turned her around and found her mouth, as I kissed her I lifted her up onto the counter where she could easily wrap her legs around my waist.

I slid my hands up her thighs and pushed her skirt further up, she gasped and I moved my mouth from hers and placed it on her neck.

I undid a couple of buttons from her blouse and then she pushed me away as the timer on the stove buzzed.

"My pie."

I chuckled, that damn pie could've burnt for all I cared, I was sexually frustrated and with everyday we lived together my little virgin was become more and more willing to give me her cherry.

We ate dinner and I even ate a piece of the cock blocking pie then I moved all of my stuff from the guest bedroom downstairs, up to the OUR master bedroom.

Already in her pajamas, she helped me put my things away and once everything was hung up or folded she laid down in bed.

"Are you coming to bed?" She asked as I walked out of the closet.

"Yeah, let me just go down and set the alarm."

When I came back upstairs I closed our bedroom door then I unbuttoned my shirt an threw into the hamper in our restroom.

At this point I noticed Lila's eyes were glued to me, she was definitely in the mood.

I took off my belt and removed my pants and still in my boxer I got into bed.

I knew she wanted me but I also knew she wouldn't act upon it.

"Come here." I said gently.

She scooted over and she laid her head on my bare chest, I knew I would have to take things slow an be extremely loving, its what she needed if this was ever going to happen.

I stroked her back "what are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Nothing really, how about you?"


"What about me?" she asked as she lifted her head and looked up at me.

"I like the person I am with you."

She kissed me and when I felt her pulling away I held onto her and licked her lips, silently asking her to open her mouth.

Her soft plump lips parted and allowed me access.

As our kiss deepened she allowed my hands roam her body and before I knew it I was helping her out of her clothes.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

With her ample an exposed chest heaving and an aroused look on her face she nodded her head.

"I'm ready."

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