The Arrangement_34

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{{ Lila }}

I got into my car and cried, being so close to him, seeing him and then hearing him say all of those things. I was actually starting to believe him.

Had I jumped to conclusions?

And if that was true then it was all my fault we were in this current situation.

I dried my eyes and went back to the hotel room, there was no way I was gonna be able to face my parents after the events that unfolded tonight.

I went the rest of the week trying to keep myself composed at work, and when Saturday rolled around I couldn't put off not seeing my parents as my time was up on the hotel room. Not to mention my mom had been hounding me at work about me going over.

So when work let out I went to the hotel room collected my things and checked out. My car filled with my luggage I drove straight to my parents house.

"Well it is a pleasure to finally have you." My mom commented as I walked in, "it's a little early but of course there's nothing wrong with that."

"Thanks mom." I said as I walked in and handed her a bottle of wine.

"Oh Lilliana thank you, but I gave up drinking."

I stopped in my tracks, my mom, mrs morning mimosa had given up drinking?

"Since when?" I asked a little humored.

"Since we got the news about your marriage documentation." She said absolutely. "You see Dixon was actually here when his mother called me and told me everything, I think he was planning on telling your father and I in person but she beat him to the punch."

I nodded to show I was listening.

"Anyways I was so mad when I heard the news that I suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed just as my chest began to tighten."


She stopped me from talking so she could finish "Dixon called the ambulance and he and your father went with me to the hospital, he tried to call you but no one could reach you. Anyways I chose to stop drinking to help with my health, I also cut out all greasy foods so tonight's dinner is going to be prepared by your father on the bar-b-que put."

I had to take a seat, I think my mother just told me she had a heart attack. but before I could question her on anything further the door bell rang.

My dad came down the stairs and opened the door, then he happily let Dixon in.

"I hope I'm not intruding," Dixon sounded "but seeing as Saturday was family dinner I thought I'd swing by."

"No intrusion son." My dad assured him, "come on out back with me, I'm just fixing to put the food on the grill."

My father made his way passed us and Dixon followed behind him.

"Good evening ladies." He said sweetly as he went about his way.

I couldn't help but smile at his playfulness once his back was to me.

"How are things between you two going?" She asked.

I sighed and shrugged, "it's difficult."

"Do you love him?" She asked.

It was something I hadn't really thought about, even after he mentioned his feelings for me yesterday I hadn't given my own feelings much thought.

But now that I think about it I know I love his sideways smile, the sound of his voice, the way that he smells. I like the way my stomach falls every time he looks at me, the way he can make me feel both loved and protected with just his hug, and I love the way I lose myself in his kisses. These past two weeks have felt so empty without him there.

"I-I think I do love him." I croaked a little unsure of myself.

My mom laughed, "love is confusing, but I can tell you love him, just like he loves you."

"How can you know for sure?" I asked desperately.

"Lilliana I've known you your whole life and I have honestly never seen you happier than when you're with Dixon. As for him, well the poor boys been looming around here every since you cut everybody off, I think he was hoping he'd run into you." She said. "And if you ask for my opinion, I say let the past be the past and start off fresh."

Since I knew dinner was gonna be a while I decided to go upstairs, when I got to my old room I sighed.

My mom had already changed the whole room up.

The room now had a twin size bed pushed against one of the walls but all of my old posters and pictures had been taken down and in their place were now floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with little storage baskets. Underneath the window was a sturdy looking table and a chair, the table had a huge sewing machine and some pieces of fabric.

A knock on the door made me turn.

"You okay?" Dixon asked.

"My room, my rooms been turned into some sort of 'mom-cave' for crafts."

"I meant between us Lila." He said with a sigh.

"Dixon, you were right." I admitted "I did jump to conclusions and I apologize for that."

"Look, I saw your bags in your car as I walked by, why don't you come back to the house." He said.

I really needed a place to stay but I didn't think sharing a bed with him was a good idea right now. We might have forgiven each other but there was still some stuff we needed to work out.

"If you want we can act like roommates and have separate bedrooms, or you can ask your mom if you can crash in her craft room."

"Thank you." I said with a small smile, "you're really helping me out."

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